Irritable Bowel Syndrome Audio Program Celebrates 10 Years of Success
05/08/08 11:05 AM
Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA
Called by some "the best kept secret in Gastroenterology" the IBS Audio Program 100 developed by Michael Mahoney, Clinical Hypnotherapist at Guardian Medical Centre in Cheshire England is now used by Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) sufferers in 41 countries.
From the early days of 1998 when the IBS Audio Program 100 was first released it was impossible to foresee the impact that this home use audio program would have on the lives of so many people around the world.
IBS is a common digestive condition which affects up to 1 in 5 of the population of the UK and USA, with varying degrees of severity in most other countries. It impacts the individual resulting in lost working days, increased costs to employers and health care providers and insurance companies.
While medical science has no known cure for the condition, or a reason of why the condition begins in the first place, it has been widely recognised for more than 20 years in the medical world that hypnotherapy can be an effective treatment option to reduced frequency and severity of presenting symptoms. Hypnotherapy has recently been listed as a treatment option for IBS in the UK's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines.
The IBS Audio Program 100 was developed specifically for the IBS condition, to manage both the physical and the emotional aspects of IBS, which are commonly reported by IBS sufferers.
IBS can cause chronic and sever physical symptoms such as pain,wind constipation diarrhoea,nausea, urgency for the toilet, alternating bowel habit, and spasm along with other symptoms. The IBS Audio Program 100 also addresses the often neglected emotional aspects of IBS, including loss of confidence and self esteem, weepiness, reduced memory and concentration and more.
Coupled with an effective listening schedule and progress log the program brings real hope and understanding to the IBS sufferer. It also comes complete with an informational CD 'The IBS Companion' for those living with the IBS suffer, but who do not have the IBS condition themselves, this has also proved useful to co-workers and other family members to understand the IBS condition for fully.
Michael Mahoney the author and developer of the program is delighted. "The IBS Audio Program 100 has and is making positive differences to the majority of its users. While there is no such thing as a magic wand, many users have suggested it maybe the next best thing." The problem is, said Mahoney, "IBS sufferers go through the health-care system, and are often told there is nothing else that can be done for them, and they will have to live with it. Many have found the IBS Audio Program 100 through word of mouth, and through desperation, and as a last resort."
For comprehensive information about the program check here
-------------------- Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!
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