Carbs? Good or Bad?? I'm confused!!
#46673 - 02/26/04 07:37 AM
Bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and other similar foods are on the hit list of most diets. Carbs are the enemy, avoid them at all costs and you will lose weight.
Those same foods are helpful because of their soluable fiber content and can ease IBS symptoms.
So, what if you have IBS AND want to lose weight?? Is there a way to combine the two schools of thought and keep the IBS under control WHILE losing the stubborn belly fat?
Also, insulin resistance is important here, too. Apparently the foods on the low carb hit list cause a sharp rise in blood sugar followed by a quick decline. Any way to stop that particular reaction?
Eat carbs? Don't eat carbs? AARRGGHH!! Help!!!!
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Eat carbs!
#46675 - 02/26/04 07:44 AM
Reged: 10/08/03
Posts: 3748
Loc: Northern NY
Lauralee, carbs are not bad!! Our society has just convinced itself that they are because of the whole Atkins craze. Heather has a great article about the dangers of the low carb craze here.
Actually, it's not difficult to lose weight on this diet, because one of the main principles is to eat low fat foods! Many weight loss programs, such as Weight Watchers, are based on that same idea! So you can eat breads and still lose weight as long as they're low fat breads rather than fat bombs like store-bought muffins.
Make sense?
-------------------- "Anyone can exercise, but this kind of lethargy takes real discipline." -Garfield
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You know, Atkins died very young, and right now they're investigating whether or not it was from heart disease. Nutrionists are freaking out over people thinking they can eat all of the saturated fat they want. I'm really fearful of the long term consequences of this diet for our national health!
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Hi LauraLee,
I believe that any extreme diet plan will ultimately fail in time -- as they have over the past 40 years that I've been on them, each and every one of them! Remember the Scarsdale Diet? Martinis & Whipped Cream? Susan Powder's "Stop the Insanity!"? (She was right!)
There was a news report on Atkins on TV just recently in which they interviewed medical experts on both sides. The ultimate conclusion was that Atkins would work on weight loss, and sometimes even significant weight loss, and that it would even be beneficial health-wise for many people. BUT -- and here's the crux -- it can't and won't be healthy in the long-term; the final recommendation was that anyone on it should consider it only as a temporary fix for weight loss.
Heather has it pretty well summed up here: web page
A lot of people here have lost significant weight on this program, and I know of one person who didn't even exercise while losing 70 pounds! I believe this is the proper and healthy way to eat, and I will never return to eating high fats and dead cows.
-------------------- <img src="">Bevvy
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Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of South Beach Diet and possibly the Zone diet. I know Atkins can't be good for you. In any case, there is no way I could choke down that much meat!!! 
So, I guess the idea is to eat the carbs, just the "right" kinds and in moderation? In other words, I won't eat a cart full of muffins ( ), but will still have my piece of toast with my breakfast and potatoes with my chicken.
Thank you for the replies!!!
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Welcome! No fears, this question has come up a lot, so here's some info for you Won't all these carbs make me fat?
-- H
-------------------- Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!
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The South Beach Diet is healthy. I've had two doctors say it was a safe way to lose weight as it is moderate carbs (not low carbs) and low fat. I was on it for about a month or two and I did lose weight.
However, my IBS got worse. I didn't discover Heather's website until last week, so I didn't know how important soluble fiber is for those of us with IBS (SBD basically recommends more insoluble fiber than soluble).
If your IBS is stable, you might be able to do a modified SBD. Make sure to include soluble fiber such as brown or wild rice, barley, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes with your insoluble fibers at every meal. Be really careful with the "diet" recipes as most of them call for Splenda (sorbitol) and that causes cramping even in non-IBS people.
Heather's dietary guidelines are low fat and heart healthy, so you should be able to lose weight (just limit desserts)following her guidelines as well.
Good luck! janet
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haha! i totally agree with you! i work at panera [if youve heard of it?] and theres so many people that come in and mention theyre on the "lowcarb diet" and order all this high-fat food! its like they think theyre doing themselves a world of great when theyre only piling on more calories that are definately not within their diet limits--and eating more junk! our nation is spiraling out of control. its gaining weight---crash-dieting---and soon everyone will die from heart disease just like dr.atkins! it really scares me about our nation bc when is enough *really* enough?? it makes you!
-------------------- VEGAN ASHLEY~IBS/C
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7 pounds since Oct, but I'm not even trying to lose weight.. and many inches... I lost 3 inches in 2 days when I got the bloat factor under control! plust eh weight I've actually lost... I have to make sure I moderate what I eat high enough to include my activity levels or I lose weight... I have been starting ot bake more again as i start training since I need to up my overall caloric intake, but its the fat and calories that get you, not the carbs on their own.
-------------------- Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant
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What is the dfference between sorbate and sorbital, I hope there is a big difference,,
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I love to eat there. What do you recommend for someone wanting to gain weigh to eat there, and not upset ibs?
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this diet is good because its adjustable.. your eating choices will make you either gain or lose... not the diet itself, but this has the play and give within it to be healthy for all of us, no matter which we are trying to do and to still make us feel full at the end of the day.
-------------------- Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant
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hmm--thats a hard decision--i would rule out the pastries bc of the dairy in them. try rearranging the sandwiches and eliminating the mayo and cheese and change the breads to either sourdough or french. i think the french *might* be made with eggs so BE CAREFUL! also soups in the sourdough breadbowl could be good..since its sourdough. try the garden-veggie soup or the black bean. i hope that helps alittle!
-------------------- VEGAN ASHLEY~IBS/C
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-------------------- Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!
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the media has hyped it up beyond belief! Anything to make a buck, watch the commericals they play in between the stories and tell me who has been paying for the air time? If you want proof take a look at the latest Prevention or Organic Style or any Rodale magazine and you will see an ad for South Beach Diet book, why, because they are the publishers. Speaking of funny commericals I always have to laugh at the diet ones they run on the food network, how stupid is that! One other thing as my husband and I were watching the tsnaumi coverage I noticed relief workers were unloading bags and bags of rice! More than half the world's population can not be wrong when they base their meals on rice, pasta and (real, not Wonder) breads
-------------------- IBS-D
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Pescado, so what did you do? did you try to do South Beach again, just including healthy carbs instead of eliminating all? I'm glad I saw this because I'm currently dealing with this problem. I did South Beach for a while but my IBS got really bad and now I understand why after reading abt the importance of soluble fiber. But I really want to do SBD because I did lose wight and found that I was very noticably less hungry after cutting out carbs. But, its obviously not worth it if I'm gonna feel as badly as I did while on the diet. I know people say one will probably lose weight on Heather's diet for IBS, but I've already been eating low fat, good carbs (and recently have cut out sweets) for most of my life and still havent been able to lose the weight I want. So I'm just trying to figure out how to eat in a way that will help my IBS but won't be carb loading either (or simply a way that won't interfere with my attempt to lose some weight). Any suggestions would be geatly appreciated- thanks!
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#221470 - 10/26/05 01:07 PM
Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England
Have you tried a GI (Glycaemic Index) diet before? As you have issues with being more hungry with carbs, that could be the answer for you. It's def. possible to do that with the IBS diet - you just have to work out what SF foods have a better GI rating.
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Linz, that's a good idea. I didnt know though that there was a Glycemic Index diet other than South Beach- does it have a name/do you know of one in particular? I'll have to look into that. Thanks!
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Well I don'y know any names but I've seen books in the library and bookstore. Basically you really just need to know the GI rating of different foods and switch to the better ones! 
Something like the Good Carb Cookbook would probably be good as it says it's got tables of food. Remember that you'd have to vet the recipes for IBS-safe-ness tho.
I use the idea myself, but not seriously - I avoid sugar and try to choose better GI foods, etc.
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Yea i just went out and got "Living the GI diet," so we'll see how it goes. Thanks for your help!
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#221691 - 10/27/05 08:40 PM
Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178
1. Carbs do not make you fat/gain weight. Indeed, studies have shown/proven that carbs keep you lithe and energized and SATIATED. Most people that have sustained weight loss of over 25 lbs. for 2 years, plus, eat TONS OF CARBS.
2. Certain carbs cause people upswings in bloodsugar--those individuals should be gi index aware. Other foods lower foods with a high glycemic index pulse.
3. Foods high in SF are awesome for burning bellyfat. It's that whole "oatmeal" lowers cholesteral way of living.
So...ultimately, excess calories make you gain, not carbs. If anything carbs keep the metabolic fire burning and energize you for SWEATING, burning, etc. at the gym...on the treadmill...mall-walking, nature-walking, the swimming pool, etc., etc.
Kate, IBS-D.
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fad diets are the enemy.. just use common sense when it comes to weight lose..stick to low fat and eat healthy...stay active.. i also recently read that it's super important that you eat every three hours and don't skip breakfast, lunch or dinner... therefore your body doesn't starve and then when you go to eat it stores the fat ..not knowing when it will be getting food again..makes sense.
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Hi, I have been following Heather's guidelines for just over a year after finally going to a doctor about the terrible IBS related problems I was having for a few years (progressively getting worse). I got married about 2 1/2 years ago and it seems that my IBS got much worse around that time. I was trying to loose weight for the wedding and I bought the South Beach Books and followed them carefully. I have to agree it was much healthier than Atkin's but it was terrible for IBS patients like me. I did loose 20 pounds on South Beach but put 35 back on when I let carbs back in my diet, not to mention the terrible IBS-D that all the meat and IF was causing.
Long story short... although not feeling 100% all the time on Heather's pep caps, Powder and diet I have lost over 50lbs and have been more stable then ever. I have kept it off for over a year and have only fluctuated =/- 5 or 6 lbs. It's pretty significant cause it equated to 26% of my whole body weight.
I thought carbs were the enemy where in fact they are keeping me healthy (relatively). So be very careful with these low carb diets. High carbs (SF) and low fat worked much better for me.
-------------------- Dave IBS-D
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I actually was doing the SBD when my symptoms got worse and went to Doctor and it looks like I have IBS predom constipation -but Im reading the books from Heather and this website and changing my diet and noticing Im more regular and not having as much gas pain and bloating:)!!! Who knows like you said it may be all the splenda Ive been using over the years. But this is where Im at now-how to loose weight but also control my symptoms for not only this but interstial cystitis that can go hand in hand too Ive read, that I was dx with about a year ago. Ive lost weight in the past restricting my carbs such as bread, rice, potatoes-all the things that help me and eating a lot of salads etc that make it worse:P. I also can already tell the Tummy Fiber is helping that I take before each meal. So far I have gained a few pounds since I got this news and I am trying to get myself at a more healty weight for The Lord willing future pregnancy:) So any tips would be greatly appreciated!!! thanks
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Splenda and Sorbitol are two entirely different products. I can't tolerate Sorbitol at all, but have no problem with Splenda. karen
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