Does Heather's diet really help people or are we just trying to believe it does?
#265788 - 05/26/06 02:13 PM
Reged: 11/06/03
Posts: 48
I am not saying that in a disrespectful way, I am really wondering if this is true. Are there people out there who really are better with her diet, because for me in my opinion I don't see it helping me at all. Could it be possible that some people are just having wishful thinking when it comes to this diet. Again, no disrespect to anyone. If it is helping people then that is great, I just wish it would help me and I am trying to find answers why my body cannot handle eating in a healthy way.
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I guess most people on this website would say they have found at least some kind relief in this diet or we wouldn't still be here. I can go months now with no flare ups which I never thought would happen. Heather's diet to be the best advice I've ever received in getting myself stable. Before the website or reading her books I had never heard about insoluble and soluble. And I was so grateful just to hear about other people going thru the same things. It was such a relief to know I wasn't alone with the struggle with food and stomach pain and trying to live my life etc. Unfortunately there's no quick fix or easy answers. You've got to do what's best for you. But I would recommend giving it some more time. Have you read Heather's books? I found them at my library if you don't want to purchase them. Very helpful, easy to understand.
Anyway good luck to you. Hang in there.
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Yes, the EFI Diet has helped people including me and no, it's not all in my head or wishful thinking. And I do find your remarks extremely disrespectful to me and to all the people who have repeatedly posted about this approach helping and helping over a long period of time. Frankly, you sound a lot like all those doctors who insist IBS is imaginary - only you're insisting our recovery is imaginary.
There hardly seems to have been time for you to implement the suggestions offered to you in your earlier post. However, if you feel you have tried everything suggested, then the EFI Diet may very well not work for you. Heather's explanation of IBS refers to colonic spasms. Based on a most cursory Google search, colonic inertia sounds like a different problem. In fact, this site says specifically about colonic inertia:
Increasing dietary fiber or fiber supplements may make symptoms of bloating and abdominal cramps worse.
-------------------- [Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]
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Yeah, if you have D it will help you. But C/bloating? Yeah, I'm not so sure sometimes.
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I don't think you were being disrespectful...just honest...and scared. I think you are thinking maybe it works as a placebo effect...or like a self fullfilling prophecy?
I think it really has helped many people. But I think for those it hasn't helped, those people mostly post in the Living Room or leave the boards.
this website is dedicated to promoting the EFI way of treating along with hypnosis/yoga/supplements.
I think I'm one of the few who still asks questions and answers them on the Eating Board even though the diet hasn't helped me either. I keep hoping, over time, and with implementing other things, like cognitive therapy, exercise, spirituality...that maybe one day I will find some type of relief. The principles do make sense.
I know it's hard, isn't it. To read other people getting better on this diet and we are doing the exact same diet...yet continue to suffer. It's only natural to question the validity of diet. It's up to each individual person as to whether they want to keep trying this diet or move on to something else. I have chosen to stick with it. I can't give up 1 1/2 years of "working the program" just to give up wondering if I would have felt better if only I had given it more time.
Email me whenever you want. I understand the sadness, the anger, the disappointment, the jealously, the pain, wanting to just cry and cry and cry. And keep wondering why the diet is not working for us and it does for so many others. It doesn't seem fair, does it.
BTW, I've been on this diet for over 1 1/2 years.
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
Edited by Augie (05/26/06 08:01 PM)
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It does work. Everyone has to find exactly how to tailor it to their needs. And it takes some people a long time (2 years for me) to stabilize. But implying in any way, even if it isn't meant to be disresepectful, that it doesn't actually work, is upsetting to me. The horrible, painful, explosive diarrhea that I had and that it stopped when I switched over to Heather's diet is not wishful thinking. The cramping and the gas going away isn't wishful thinking either. I'm curious as to how long you have been on Heather's diet and how strictly you are following it. There is no guarantee that it will work for everyone and certainly it works to different degrees, but it was the first thing I found in over 10 years that provided any amount of relief for my symptoms.
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I really think this is a gift you should not turn down.
- H
-------------------- Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!
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You gals are too quick! Can you tell I'm having a bad night?
I will do the hypno...but I don't want to say on the boards why I can't do them just yet. It's too embarrassing to me.
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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I took me 2 years to get stable. It was a long, frustrating 2 years, but it finally happened. I agree with Heather. The hypno is priceless and was a major factor in me finally stabilizing.
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Did the gas really go away after two years of being on the diet? Is that true? How often do you still get symptoms?
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I would have never guessed this Melissa.
You must have much faith in the principles. I hope to be like you one day!
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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Thank you, you said everything that I have been thinking of. I know I have not been on the diet long, but in my case I cannot cope being on it due to the symptoms. There is no way I can actually get through another day being on the diet. I took 3 Milk Of Magnesias this morning to see if I can get all the fruits and vegetables out of my system. So far, I can't even move my bowels. Plus, last night I took MiraLax and a colase and nothing yet. Thank you for understanding.
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The excess gas (it's normal to have some, and you should) is gone. It really went away. On rare occasions ( a few per year), I have a flare-up that keeps me home. But the rest of the time I run around with a crazy schedule and don't have problems. I apologize if I came off as attacking in my other response to this post. It's just that I have found so much relief that I hate to hear anything other than good things about Heather's diet and guidelines and research. If you are having troubles, please give it time. Even if you can't find a complete reduction in symptoms you can find some amount of relief with this. But you have to be patient. And you may as well try, otherwise nothing will ever change.
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I'm sorry you found my remarks disrespectful, like I said I mean no harm. Like I said, just my thought at the moment. I am glad you posted that quote and that website, thanks. I guess it is more difficult for the diet to work for constipation. I have had this for almost 32 years and it rules my life. I tried everything imaginable. I am very strict with everything I try, not fooling around when I do something. Spent so much money. Well, thanks for posting.
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I'm so dang stubborn and was so determined to figure out how this diet would work for me that I just kept trying until I found what I needed. No med has ever worked. And no doctor has ever been able to help. So, after 10 years of horrible D, I happened upon this site and discovered Heather and this wonderful diet. At first, I didn't see much improvement, but I kept at it and by maintaining this diet combined with other supplements and activities, it started to get better. What finally got me completely stable was the hypno. I just can't say enough about it. The only catch is, you have to want it to work and accept that it will. I remember the first time I walked in to a bathroom and back out (I just needed some tissue) and realized I didn't even think once of D while I was in there. I think I started crying. It was such a release to know that something was finally helping. So, my long-winded point: Don't give up and you'll find how to make this diet work for your body.
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I wonder if it helps better in people who have IBS-D. Just a thought. If I stay on this diet another day, I will need to stay in completely all weekend. That is how bad I am. Sorry for complaining.
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It's possible that it works better, in general, for IBS-D. There are a lot of things you can do other than just the diet. Have you tried other things?
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#265846 - 05/26/06 08:06 PM
Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois
...seems to be the only thing that keeps me going and, thus, semi-sane. But I hate taking it. It doesn't exactly give the best outcome...literally.
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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My symptoms have been greatly reduced because of Heather's guidelines on how to eat when you have IBS. And I know for a fact that they're working because whenever I do cheat or unknowningly eat something that's considered a trigger (like when someone in my family tries to test me and hides red meat or dairy in my food), I'll have an attack. I am IBS-D w/ pain, bloating, and gas. I currently have a normal amount of gas (hardly noticeable, not much odor either), minimal bloating (I will have it if I wait too long to eat), and normal BMs. I have attacks infrequently, but they only last one day and it's usually due to somehing I ate, stress, lack of sleep or possibly due to a lupus flare-up.
Since I've been following the diet and prior to that something similar my doctors recommended (low-fat meals, no dairy, no red meat for the last ten years), I bounce back pretty quickly. Heather's guidelines make sense to me. It's a way of eating that's gentle on your GI tract by incorporating easily digestible foods and preparing other foods in a way that makes them easier to digest. However, this isn't a miracle cure - you have to keep up the diet even when you're feeling really good/normal. It's also important to remember that this diet is also part of an "IBS lifestyle" which includes stress reduction, exercise, not smoking, and medications meant to help reduce symptoms. It may take a while to figure how much exercise, which medications, and what type of stress reduction method works best for you.
I hope you start feeling better soon.
Edited by Maria!Maria! (05/26/06 08:08 PM)
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Sometimes I'm so blunt about things I know I come off as offensive. This is a much more diplomatic way of explaining things than I often use.
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It's amazing though, how all of you who the diet has worked for seem to all have IBS-D. I wonder if that has anything to do with it working.
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Heather's diet has been a lifesaver for me - the only thing that's helped me long-term after suffering with severe IBS for 19 years. Trust me, honey, that ain't no wishful thinking. For me, the diet worked miracles.
It was definitely not an instant cure-all, though. It took me well over a year and a lot of tweaking - especially the delicate balance of getting enough insoluble fiber to keep me from getting C, while still eating enough soluble fiber to keep from going D.
If you haven't tried it STRICTLY for at least a year or more - along with other lifestyle changes, such as SUCCESSFULLY managing any stress/depression/anxiety problems - then you honestly haven't given it a fair shot. But of course there are no guarantees that anything works for everyone.
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there are no guarantees that anything works for everyone.
But what if I say please? Could I have a guarentee then, Casey? A guarantees would be nice.
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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I should probably call myself IBS-A since I do have bouts of C; however, I've noticed this clears just by eating more vegetables/IF (but then if I eat too much IF, I get D - it's such a delicate, difficult balance!). Heather does mention that it takes longer for C to resolve. You also want to make sure you are correctly diagnosed with IBS-C, which is different from chronic constipation and other functional bowel disorders that result in constipation.
Here's a link to a really good site about constipation (the main site is, which is nonprofit research organization about functional bowel disorders): About Constipation.
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Hohoyumyum, I think what you said was just as fair and honest and, more importantly, to the point.
Edited by Maria!Maria! (05/26/06 08:21 PM)
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I was really diagnosed with Colonic Inertia. My doctor did the transit time test on my and out of 24 markers, I still had 17 markers in my body after seven days, so I have a very slow moving digestive system.
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This is very different from IBS, so this diet may not work for you at all. From what I've read, they're both similar in that they're functional bowel problems. However, colonic inertia (where nothing's happening) seems to be the opposite of IBS (where too much is happening - spasms). Also, surgery is considered a treatment option for colonic inertia, which suggests an underlying cause may be muscle or nerve damage, while it's not an option for IBSers because no such damage or inflammation seems to correlate with its symptoms.
FYI - Here's the general description of what IBS is:
"In people with IBS, symptoms result from what appears to be a disturbance in the interaction between the gut or intestines, the brain, and the autonomic nervous system that alters regulation of bowel motility (motor function) or sensory function [problem with the contractions in the colon - they become irregular which can cause C or D ].
Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by a group of symptoms in which abdominal pain or discomfort is associated with a change in bowel pattern, such as loose or more frequent bowel movements, diarrhea, and/or constipation." (
Here, I found something about colonic inertia in case someone else wanted to learn more about it - Colonic Inertia/Constipation.
I don't know what else would help you. What did your doctor recommend?
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Yes, a bowel warranty would be nice. Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could give our bowels back to our mother's and ask for a new one with a lemon clause attached?
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If you're not dead, you've still got time.
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That would be awesome. A life-time bowel warranty, of course.
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Hi there,
I think there have been a lot of good replies already, and it may have come out that maybe what you are dealing with in particular may not apply for the same IBS guidelines, but I thought I would pop my head in because I can imagine a lot of new people might read this post based on the title, and I think it is a valid question. I say this because I think that a lot of us have been suffering with this for so long and been told so many different things will make us feel better -and they haven't- that we can get really weary of trying anything new. I don't feel offended by the question at all. I completely understand where any sort of frustration and hesitation may come from, which is why I can see it from both sides.
First of all, I am too an IBS-D. From what I understand from the boards (having never really been C my whole life), I do think it seems that the diet is more helpful for people with IBS-D as I think that treatment for C can take a lot longer as the digestive system moves so much slower. I also think that leaves a lot of people more opportunity to give up on the diet as well, so it's hard to say. For me personally, though, this.. lifestyle (not diet exclusively) have really helped. I was at a point where I could not function for regular day-to-day activities and while I am certainly not 100% (which is in part my fault, I admit), I am so much better than I was and I owe a lot of that to finding this information. Even if one isn't to follow the diet to the letter, I think that it promotes a more healthy and natural way to eat which anyone will tell you is better for your system. There are several known GI triggers (caffeine, alcohol, high fat, etc) that any Gastroenterologist will acknowledge and they are usually the first thing we say to avoid here. Processed foods, artificial sweeteners, fattening foods.. if you eliminate these from your diet, your certainly not about to feel worse, stomach problems or not! These are basic, healthy guidelines for your body. There is a stress on fiber here, but I think it is to be said that some people take the soluble fiber diet to an extreme (I know I did) and end up eating in quite an unhealthy fashion. To get stable, it might be necessary to cut out other things for *a little while* but you still need to eat vegetables, protein.. other foods to balance out your diet. Aside from diet, like I said, this is also a lifestyle. Eating properly is only one part. Exercise, stress management, and medications are also talked about a lot and are hugely important for many people. If I only followed the diet, would I still get sick when I have a bad menstrual cycle? Definitely. That is why it is important to not get completely tunnel visioned about diet. Diet is a big part of the battle, but it's still uphill from there for a lot of people.
To what you said about it being wishful thinking, like I said in the title of this post.. I don't think it is completely seperate. I think that a lot of people suffering from IBS can recognise a strong mind-gut connection. There is a huge psychological impact that we have on our stomachs, and I think that following this diet to some degree is affected by that. For example, when I first read the books and found that so many other people were suffering in a similar way to me, I felt better as if I could finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. I went out, got a bunch of different food and told myself I was going to feel better, and I did to a degree. But that was only one part of it. As another example, I went to see a really crappy GI doctor once and she was so unhelpful that I had a major attack right after I left. When I went back, months later, to see a senior consultant he was amazing. He gave me some new medication and stuff, but when I left the office I felt good. I hadn't taken the pills yet, but I felt better. Did it carry on for a long time? No. I had to start taking the pills, but just the *thought* of feeling better.. made me feel better. I think it is the same with anything that has such strong ties to our psychological and emotional condition. This is not to say, however, that we should buy into the idea that it is all in our heads and there is not a physical side of it.
I believe that this diet has helped a lot of people in many different ways, because some people have to follow it very strictly to be stable and some have just taken some of the basic ideas and been able to make their own exceptions. In my opinion, it is all about finding the balance that you need to be stable enough to live your life without your bowels in control.
Hope this helps, and for you ccckkk I hope that you find something that does help you find some relief very, very soon!
Cheers, Steph
-------------------- ~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20
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This is such a great post...I'm so glad you decided to "pop" your head in! You brought up many factors that hit the nail on the head. Especially about all the contradictory suggestions by different sources and different approaches/attituded of the professionals. It messes with your mind...and when you don't get results from one approach, it's only human to question or doubt EVERYTHING at some time.
Thank you for your thoughts!
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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I work a rotating 12 hour shift, having to do lots of stairs, and other physical activities. Since I have been on Heather's diet and have read her books and have religiously stayed on this program I don't have to worry about how close I am to any restroom in the plant. My life in no longer ruled or governed by how close I am to a bathroom, but by how close I follow the diet. I am glad to trade off the toilet for the diet, and will continue to do so.
Thanks to all of you good folks that share your thoughts and are helpful to those getting started.
Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow”. Mary Anne Radmacher
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Good reply, Stephie. You're definitely right that diet and hormonal factors can cause more or less symptoms. But about the mind-gut connection: this refers to a neurological disorder, a disconnect between the brain, bowel, and central nervous system, which is thought to cause a functional problem in the bowels. Stress and psychological disorders may trigger the symptoms of IBS, but they DO NOT cause the disorder.
Sometimes, I'm not sure if this has been your experience too, I feel that doctors write it off as a psychological problem because they don't know what to do. By doing this, the doctor can shift the blame to us so we feel like we're doing this to ourselves or we're not trying to get better or we have some personality problem. So, I think the psychological aspect of it is b.s. when talking about how one gets IBS; however, I think psychological problems, anxiety or depression, can result from having to deal with this chronic condition and they can definitely exacerbate the symptoms.
Edited by Maria!Maria! (05/27/06 08:44 AM)
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Hey Maria,
Good point. In fact, after I read my post I thought that it didn't come across exactly as I would have liked. I didn't mean the mind-gut connection in any sort of neurological disorder, but like you said about them triggering symptoms. I just meant it like.. you know how there is a connection, for everyone, with their stomachs? Like feeling nervous as "butterflies" or "a knot" in one's stomach.. If you hear bad news, people say it feels like a blow to their gut. You know what I mean? I have been in the situation too with one doctor telling me that I just had to stop being sick when I wanted to, because it was all in my head. When I left, I was absolutely furious. Livid even. I do feel much worse when I feel emotionally strained, but I have had days where everything is carrying on as normal, having a good day, and BAM! I'm really sick. Those are the most frustrating times, I think.
I just feel like we have to acknowledge the affect our stress levels and things have on our bodies so that if the diet isn't working by itself, there are other things to address before writing it off completely. I definitely agree 100% that the anxiety and stress and everything can stem from the initial symptoms and just take everything into a really bad cycle. When my IBS got so much worse a few years ago, the anxiety about leaving the house and things was definitely BECAUSE of my symptoms and then made them worse at the same time. But I don't believe they were in any part a cause of my IBS either.
It's funny that I spend so much time trying to convince everyone that I do not have a psychological problem, there really is something wrong with me, and then this. LOL.
Hope that's more clear! Steph
-------------------- ~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20
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Life choices
#265920 - 05/27/06 01:51 PM
Reged: 04/06/06
Posts: 1299
Loc: A small city, Northwestern Ontario, Canada
CCCKKK, I've been reading this thread off and on. For my two cents worth.... Yes, IBS can rule you life - while you are unstable - I just went through a 3 month stint of the worst symptoms in the last 12 years. None if it was due to diet - all due to stress. Changing your diet is one aspect of your life. Like the other people here, I had to change my lifestyle too. Hypo is the only thing I haven't tried yet, but I'm mostly stable again, if I flare up, it is my next step. I go to fitness classes, I garden, I do things to CALM my body and mind. I meditate. And when I have a bad day, I don't blame the diet. Like someone said - hormones, mood, diet, sleep (or lack thereof), everything affects us. Plus, from being here on this forum for a little while now, I notice we are sensitive people. We feel! And our feelings go straight to our tummies unfortunately! My only advice is to stick with the diet. Give it a good chance to help you. Yep, I'm sick of following it some days too. So I slip up, and I suffer for 3 days.
Good luck to you, and have a happy tummy day.
-------------------- Cassandra
Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like you've never loved before.
IBS A 20+ years, Chronic Migraines, Chiari Malformation (decompressed June 22, 2010), Brachial Neuritis, and ??? the list just keeps growing, but I'm still shiny side up!
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I think it is brilliant for IBS D. For C and bloating things are trickier but still can be great. I think people with C get too scared off from IF and they need that upped!!! They have to have a lot of it. And for bloating and gas and general pains there are many things that must be done and controlled to help Heather's diet work. These things are: exercise, eating small amounts often, ACACIA fiber, lots of water, pooping and farting WHEN NEEDED, and the one we can't do much about, controlling stress. There is no cure for IBS but eating the easily digestable foods Heather suggests is the closest thing.
-------------------- IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!
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Stephie said: ".....but I have had days where everything is carrying on as normal, having a good day, and BAM! I'm really sick. Those are the most frustrating times, I think."
Gotta agree with that one. I'm on the 3rd day of recoveringing from a BAM day & I was going camping with friends 
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#265966 - 05/27/06 06:05 PM
atomic rose
Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)
That's something I forgot to mention in my reply: the insoluble fiber thing. I think there's still a good lot of confusion about IF, even though Heather is pretty explicit about it: you should eat as much insoluble fiber as you can, cushioning with SF as per the diet guidelines. This is so, so, SO important - for everyone, but especially for C'ers.
I'm D-predominant, and I'd say that the vast majority - at least 3/4, maybe more - of the food I eat in a day's time is insoluble. I eat as little SF as I can get away with, and the rest is IF. If I don't do that, things get all wonky, so I can just imagine how much more important IF is for someone whose symptoms are primarily C.
It's easy to be afraid of IF foods, and I know it because I used to be afraid of them too, but sooner or later you have to get over it and learn to eat them again. It's necessary for bowel health, and for your health in general. With maybe a couple of oddball exceptions (because isn't there an exception to every rule? LOL), you CANNOT eat an insufficient amount of IF and expect to have a healthy gut. It just ain't gonna happen.
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Double agreed! I'm always surprised when I learn that an IBS-Cer is eating less IF than I am (especially when I feel I'm not eating nearly enough). I have Minnie's excellent and informative trigger explanation saved so I'm going to bump it up for newbies to read.
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...when some IBS-C folks try to add insoluble, it hurts and the trouble gets worse. And many cannot, unfortunately, find that they can tolerate the Acacia...or any other SFS.
This is one of ccckkk's other posts where this is explained. web page
I'm not trying to cause problems...but hoping for more advice when this is happens. What's a C to do then?
And how do we know for sure that we are getting enough SF before an IF, but not too much? Could it be that some folks just can't handle any IF without pain even though the IF is needed to "go"?
Okay, that last paragraph was probably rhetorical. I know everyone is different, right. UGH, this is such a puzzle.
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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Did you stop eating the IF you started a week or two ago?
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YES! I have been following this now for almost two years and I am IBS-C. I will tell you that I have had IBS for about 10years but was only diagnosed with it two years ago. It got so bad after having my son. I was down to 125 and for someone who is 5'9 and ususally around 150 that was dramatic. I started out very strict and I mean strict. I didn't eat anything with any traces of milk in it and I started taking the Acacia. I experienced gas and bloating for awhile but I was going to the bathroom every day even if it was only little poos. Eventually I started making recipes from the index which were a huge support for me because I started eating "regular" foods with substitutions and my hubby and family were supportive. Which I know not everyone has. Eventually after about 6 months I started eating more things that had traces of dairy in them like things like caesin. I wanted to see how I could tolerate them. I do just fine with things like this. But that's me and I only found this out from eliminating everything I could possible. I am almost 2 years into this and have had maybe 3 major attacks. One due to my fault and the other two when I got pregnant again and my hormones were crazy.
Acacia has helped me tremendously and I will tell you I stopped taking it after I got pregnant until I could talk to my doctor. It was the most miserable month of my life and that is where my two attacks came from. I am now back on it and very happy. Plus pregnancy has allowed me to cheat a bit which is a nice plus. When you are C you HAVE to eat IF. I try to at lunch and dinner for sure. Whether it be an apple with skin on that i can tolerate or veggies. You have to find a balance. But the other big thing is that I REFUSE to let this rule my life. Stress is my trigger and I try to eliminate worrying about my stomach issues. It makes it worse. I know I have repeated what many others have said but I hope this helps to hear from someone else.
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I gave up the Sushi and I'm only doing one new thing at a time.
Sorry about the confusion. I never stopped the IF...but the pain never stopped either. And ccckkk also mentioned that every time he/she tries to add IF, he/she hurts.
It reinforced the thought that IF, for some, is just always going to cause pain.
I think I'll shut up on this one for a while. It was interesting to read what everyone has said, though.
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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Post deleted by Augie
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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I'm a D.. and I probably eat more IF than most of the C's on these boards! I think thats something C's need to keep a close eye on.. because it is even more important for them to have IF... and if possible.. to have as much IF and SF.
I think anything will hurt the first time, but thats because avoiding anything for long enough will make you intolerant. However, building up slowly is the only way to go.
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Beth what did you delete?? I wasn't trying to offend anyone with my post so I hope that you didn't think I was. I was just telling my story from one C'er to another.
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| wasn't your post at all! Your post is great. I just felt like I embarrassed myself again with my question to you.
Sorry. Please don't think it was your post.
I just emailed ya!
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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Thanks Beth! YOu have mail!
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It's general concesus that we need more IF. If possible, would it please, please, please be possible for you all to list a few of you typical daily menus on the eating or fitness boards? INCLUDING your SFS amounts...when and how much. Or Miralax, etc.(hopefully, some of the Cs can still go without an SFS as they are rough on me).
I know it's a big favor, but your input might be invaluable to us who doubt are SF and IF intake amounts.
Thank you so much. I hope you all don't mind.
Thank you again!
Oh, can I say please again!
Love and hugs
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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I think the two of us joined almost around the same time and started our AD at a similar time too. We both had a year of hell but with Heather's diet we are both very stable right now.
If you don't treat your tummy right and put triggers into it, you'll never get better. To me, that's the bottom line.
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I'm IBS A -- I have attacks that usually start out D - then go C - then pain....
Thankfully since starting with the diet I have had such a change -- it has been amazing. Not only do I not constantly check for bathrooms everywhere I go -- but I have lost tons of weight, my cholesterol levels are down... things are just better overall. I still have my days -- usually if I have cheated -- or not done something I was supposed to. Stress kills too. However - overall quality of life is up so much since starting this -- I can't thank Heather enough for sharing all she does. Avoiding triggers - getting a good amount of fiber (soluble & insoluble) - drinking that water ... all so important!
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I just discovered this website this morning! I am trying to get acquainted with terms, products, etc. I have had IBS for many, many years but lately its been worse. My gastro put me on Zelnorm last week....honestly can't say its done anything to help and I was so hopeful. I have C that always turns to D about every 4 to 6 days. Can someone help a new person with a question?? My husband and I are taking a 4 day trip to the Grand Canyon the end of this week and I don't want to spend one day sick in a motel room....any easy suggestions to help me through this week and our trip?
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Hi Cindy Lou,
Welcome to the boards 
There are lots of travel tips on the boards, mostly it's a question of bringing safe food with you and keeping your meds close at hand, as well as forward planning.
This is a link to a really good post with travel tips: Shawn Eric's link to travel tips
Have fun, I went to the Grand Canyon last year and I LOVED it.
-------------------- S.
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-------------------- Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!
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I was sick for so long! I started Heather's diet and it helped. But I still felt a little bloated & constipated. I found out about colon hydrotherapy, and now I'm 35 lbs lighter and I feel great, as long as I stick to the IBS diet! P.S. I am now a colon hydrotherapist in Nashville,TN. Call for an appointment (615)972-3663. 80% of my patients have IBS, and colon hydrotherapy along with Heather's website has been their mericle! Tammi
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You'll probably get more responses if you post this as its own thread here. Whenever I take trips I eat only safe foods for a day or 2 before I go. I drin k lots of water and keep Imodium on hand at all times. I'm strictly a D, so I can't really give you any tips for the C.
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#266248 - 05/29/06 06:29 PM
atomic rose
Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)
Of course you know I've given up posting on the fitness board in general, but I have a few minutes, so I'll go over there now and post what I ate today. Look for it!
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I'll do an average day for me. Malt o meal and soy milk with stevia and 1/4c raisins and 1T acacia in the cereal luna bar banana and orange for first break and possibly few cookies 2 wheat dollar buns (not that wheaty), turkey, lite mayo, pickle, tomato and lettuce banana and a large fruit salad of pineapple, melon and berries Dinner: usually a soluble base like rice or whatever and a 1/3 of the plate of IF veggie like brocoli or asparagus or sometimes salad tea with 1T acacia small snack like dark chocolate or Tofutti fudge bar That is my usual day. I tend to eat the same thing everyday you know.
-------------------- IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!
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for many people nothing really works that well, but Heather's diet plan is the best thing there is to do. There is nothing better! How could there be? since it stresses eating things that make your stomach behave as well as possible. Other than that I think we have to do our part, but for some their symptoms will never go away. As far as what we put in our mouths, there is nothing that will work better than this plan!
-------------------- IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!
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I too am a new person to the site. Until just recently, I thought the way my bowels worked was normal. My doctor told me about the site.
I am currently in a bad D cycle and am having a very hard time getting myself back to 'normal'. What are some things I can do to stop this nastiness. I haven't ever really had such a hard time getting my system to stop the spasms.
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I am mostly stable, when I'm not its usually caused by meds, or stress or eating wrong.. I was an uncontrollable A and DH can testify that my tummy is no longer in control of large portions of my life! good luck!
-------------------- Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant
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I'll have to check it out. I am asking others to please add their input. I think I will start posting my foods if people would be willing to make suggestions/alterations.
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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Re: Beth!
#266305 - 05/30/06 06:55 AM
Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois
Thanks LM. Is MOM an IF source?
Does the banana serve as your SF base for the orange. I'm so terrified of oranges. (and bananas are sort of iffy too).
For lunch....what are wheat dollar buns? Is the banana your only SF base?
And then dinner, the rice is white, not brown, right?
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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#266318 - 05/30/06 07:37 AM
Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)
Welcome to the Boards. I think it's great your doctor recommended this site.
I would definitely try the Break The Cycle Diet for 2-3 days to soothe your gut, then start adding safe foods in carefully. Also, Imodium can be very helpful when you're trying to stabilize.
As someone else said, you'll probably get more responses if you make your own new post, but I hope this helps enough to get you started.
Good luck.
-------------------- [Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]
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I think you've gotten some good answers and direction about the travel. I would also add that with the... pattern of your bowel problems - I would try using a diary of your foods and possibly stressors too to see if you can see what may trigger the changes. I have not known anyone to be quite so regular in their changes as that -- without doing something that triggered it. It may be a food that you eat -- a change in your schedule.... I don't know. Hopefully using the diary will help you uncover what may be causing you problems. You will also be able to tell really how much water you're drinking in a day -- how much fiber you're getting and so on.
Good luck and have fun!
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here's an example of yesterday..
(BTW.. I take no SFS and no meds)
Breakfast- corn pops (dry)
Lunch- turkey sandwich on white bread with mustard and lettuce
Dinner- Grilled Chicken breast, Corn, Potatoes, and a salad with romaine, broccoli slaw and red onions.
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I love Heathers eating plans and her book saved my life. My first Gastro Dr. hated her. But now after the tests done by the new one, and the changes in supplements, I am well on my way to less attacks. I have been trying to figure out how to add back in something new to drink besides water. I am avoiding the caffiene. So what do you do to make a cool drink, does koolaide work, or do we need to stick with fruit juices. I would appreciate all ideas, I am missing ice teas and soda like gingerale, and 7up. What's some good choices. And what doesn't have the high frutose that triggers us. Thanks, and happy baby trails to you...:)
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I love coming to this site and reading everyones success stories and it just makes me feel good to know I am not alone, however, Heather's diet did not help me at all, my stomach blows up with severe gas whether I eat a can of beans or a bowl of plain pasta or bread, some symptoms are minimized though, but it is not anywhere near making my life a better one, I can't even handle the acacia supplment. I cannot stomach the fennel either, but thats not anyones fault but my own. Maybe the future fennel capsules may do me some good, I will try them when they are available. I think that this diet truly does help some people, but everyone knows IBS and its triggers are different for everyone, so not everyone will be lucky to find that life altering event that some have found in the diet. No matter what I do, I find myself in that bathroom sitting on that toilet, whether it's a McDonalds Hamburger and fries or eating sour dough bread all day. I can't walk, eat, or breath without getting terrible gas. My inside blow up until I feel like I will explode. Then each morning I am in that bathroom all morning and then I go to work and I am sitting in there again. Taking out the insoluble fiber or removing fats or changing ingredients in recipes does not ever change that sad fact. But I am happy for those that it does. I have finally put up the surrender flag to IBS. I was once a person with such an adventurous spirit, I loved doing things and going places, but IBS killed me. The me that I am now is not me at all anymore. I am gone. Is the person writing this depressed? Probably. But I still go on everyday, go to work everyday because I have to, sit in that bathroom at work everyday, mortified at what people hear coming out of that room. If a doctor would perform an operation to remove my intestines so that I would never have to sit on a toilet again, I would do it. I would rather wear a bag than sit one more minute in that torture chamber. How is that for an inspiriational story.
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Have you had testing done for different allergies and intolerancies?
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#266600 - 05/31/06 07:29 AM
Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)
I haven't gone back and read all your old posts, so I'm not completely up on your situation, but if you've given the EFI Diet a serious try for, say, 6 months (some would say a year) and it hasn't helped, then I would think about Lotronex. It does carry some dangers, but if I were in your situation, I would try it. Prescriptions for it are controlled, I believe, so you'll have to find a GI guy who's authorized to prescribe it.
Less drastically, you might consider the hypno program if you haven't already.
As for the fennel tea, if the problem is the taste, try hiding it by brewing the fennel with another tea, like peppermint. If you do a Search for "hate fennel" on the Diet Board with no time limit, you'll find a number of posts, including this old one of mine that in turn points you to another longer one about disguising fennel.
Also, I believe there are yoga poses that may help with gas, so perhaps the Yoga Board would be worth a try.
I also saw your other post about Acacia. There are non-gum based SFS, so if the problem is a sensitivity to gums, perhaps one of those would work. (post , web page) If the fact that you're trying Acacia again means you plan to give the EFI Diet another try, then good luck. I hope it provides you some relief this time around.
-------------------- [Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]
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Well, I went to a lot of doctors that did not have a clue of what to do with me. I went to a chiropractor, a nutritionist, a reflexologist....I was very sick, with IBS. That was 5 years ago. I had had it 10 years then. I finally found Help with IBS, and started the "what to eat, when you can't eat anything" in Heathers book. Within days, I saw and felt a big difference in my health. I have followed her diet and lifestyle, now for 5 years. I am healthier and stable everyday now. I don't miss red meats, or dairy products. I can not say enough about this website or her book and products. It gave me back my health and I don't have to be restricted about where I go. I used the hynotherapy tapes, and got off of xanax and my anxiety problems disappeared. I am SO much happier! Yes it works.
-------------------- Everything somehow always works out for the best.
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I can drink gingerale, or cream soda, just stir it up, til you think the carbonation is out of it. I also drink lemonade, without any problems. Why can't you drink ice tea that is decaffineated?
-------------------- Everything somehow always works out for the best.
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My first allery test that I took was lactose intolerance. It came back negative, even though I started having D episodes about 20 minutes after the test started and I continually had to run to the bathroom between injections. When I had a sonogram in NYC years ago, I will never forget I had to drink this solution before having the test. After the test we went to the musuem of Natural History and not long after this pain came and I ran to the bathroom and exactly what I drank came out in buckets, like white milk shake. Went right through me. I recently had a series of allery tests done to test glucose for possible celiacs. It came back negative, however there were very small indications of wheat and fish allery, but the doctor told me they were insignificant amounts. I think I have carbohydrate intolerance. When I eat spagetti my stomach blows up like someone pumped me up with an air pump. The only way I can describe my gas problems, is it seems like someone is blowing me up like a balloon, and there is only a small pin hole that won't release any of the air without manual force. I spend a minimum of 2 hours on the toilet every morning every day of my life for the last 20 years deflating myself on the toilet, pushing on the lower left side of my abdomen to get it out. Think of a whoopie cushion, that is what I am and that is how my body works. It is a cruel joke from the devil.
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The truth is I never made it that far on the diet. I can't get to any point where things are good and I can begin adding. Not even bread and water bring on intestinal happiness. I think I lasted a month. No matter what I do I can not stop the severe intestinal bloating and trapped gas that end and begin each day with gas that can blow the toilet seat off. I will give the fennel another try mixed with the peppermint. I love peppermint tea and drink it everyday. Thanks for your advise.
Edited by whoopiecushion (05/31/06 02:11 PM)
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Have you had stool samples taken for parasites? I have the same kind of crazy bloating that you do, and was just diagnosed with a parasite. So I am doing an anti-parasite herbal/diet regimen right now. The bacteria I have, blastocystis hominis, apparently especially loves grains, which is possibly why I get tons of gas from grains, like you (I tested negative for celiac but gave up wheat a long time ago). Good luck, I know it sucks.
-------------------- IBS-C, lots of spasm and trapped gas.
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Yes the banana is my SF source. I eat lots of them. I really am not very touchy with IF but I don't want to be negligent if possible. For lunch I have dollar bun sandwiches often. The buns are SF enough since flour is the first thing on the list and then whole wheat flour later on. I eat jasmine rice very often for dinner but sometimes I have baguette or potatoes or pasta. More often it is rice. I have at least one IF veggie for dinner. Tonight I had salad and cornbread and grilled chicken.
-------------------- IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!
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make sure that bread doesn't have dairy! Took me awhile to figure that one out! I know you don't need milk to make bread but many packaged breads do! Maybe that's why your bread and water doesn't help. Hope you feel better!
-------------------- Flipada - IBS-C "It's a gas, gas, gas"
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In addition to the other ideas people have given you, you might look into probiotics and possibly even into getting tested for SIBO (here and here).
Good luck. I hope you find some relief.
-------------------- [Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]
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I have the same symptoms you do. Following the diet has really helped, but when I cheat to much, I pay.
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How about herbal iced tea? Or decaf iced tea? My particular favorite is brewing up half decaf Liptons and half a fruity herb tea - the fruit makes it sweet enough that you don't have to add sugar if you don't want to. And of course there's peppermint iced tea, which is particularly nice if you mix in some sugar while it's still hot so it dissolves nicely.
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What a crappy thing to have to deal with. The stool sample that renee21 suggested might be a good idea. Especially if you two have similar problems. I sure hope you're able to find some answers.
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Yes I was tested for parasites, and they came back negative. Thanks though. I had a granola bar, peppermint tea and bread for lunch, and I just got out of the bathroom at work after a half hour sitting in there deflating myself for the 4th time today. Such fun. My coworkers must think there is a war going on in the bathroom when I am in there. How can a person have any class with all of this gas.
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I like your quote about the books. I go to the library and take about 6 books out at a time. I have read so many books that sometimes I can't remember what I have read. Since I have spent anywhere from 2 to 3 hours a day on the toilet every day for the past 20 years, you can see how I would have the time to read so much. To tell you the truth the books are what keep me sane. Thanks for all your tips.
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I love to read. I always keep books in the bathroom. My hubby does, too. But that's just because he likes to sit and read. He doesn't even have IBS or any other GI issues.
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I sympathize with your workplace bathroom experience! I'm a teacher and there isn't any private ladies room in the building. On days when I know I won't be able to get out of the stall for awhile, I have to stay home. IBS and work is a nightmare.
Obviously your situation of bathroom runs @ work causes stress, but I was wondering if you are in a very high-stress job otherwise? Do you think that your gut is responding a lot to stress as well?
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Renee, your mention of b. hominis rang a bell. If you do a Search across all Boards with no time limit for hominis, you'll find some earlier discussion on this, including treatment options.
Whoopie, it may take more than one stool sample to detect parasites. Quest - a big testing lab in the US - recommends three to be sure. And if you do the same Search I recommended to Renee, you'll find some references to Great Smoky Lab (they now call themselves something different but the links still work). They do extensive testing for all kinds of stuff.
-------------------- [Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]
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How funny, Sand, I just finished a new post on this subject when I saw yours. I did do a search on this site re: b. hominis, but the results didn't really make it clear to me what kind of treatment I should be pursuing. Maybe I'll search some more...
-------------------- IBS-C, lots of spasm and trapped gas.
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Hey MamaCat I'm a teacher too. Not only do we have to cope with no private bathrooms, but we can't just get up and "go" when we need to. Can't leave our students unattended. And we only get 3 minutes to do it! I really think that is the reason I have IBS. Over the summer, it settles down trmendously!
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Where would I go about getting stool samples for parasites, etc? When I ask my doctors about this stuff, they really don't give me satisfaction. I have asked my general doctor about lactose breath tests and tests for gluten and celiac, but he will tell me I don't have that without testing me and just disregard me. My gastro gave me many types of big tests such as transit study and colonoscopy and monometry tests, but when I tell him about small tests such as lactose and gluten, etc. he does not pursue it. Can I just go straight to a lab and ask them about these tests? Or do I need to go through my doctor? Are these tests covered by health insurance?
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Fedupwithgas--I hear you! I've never wished for summer vacation more in my life!!!
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I just talked to my doctor and asked him if he would write me up an order to take to labcorp for food alleries and for gluten intolerance. My labwork was covered as long as the testing was done in connection to an illness. But, all insurance companies cover different things depending on your plan. My suggestion is to find out what you want to have done, get the names of the specific test you want and just tell you doctor " I want to be tested for this". I always go prepared to my doctor with exactly what I want and any research I can get to back myself up so I can discuss it with him. Take control. You have the right to be tested for whatever you want, especially since you or your insurance is paying.
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No, I don't think that is it. I work in an accounting office as an administrator. I work independently in my office. I am not saying there is not stress ever, but I just don't find the connection. Some people have flare ups from stress, then go back to basic normalacy, my symptoms are daily and never go away and have always been this way. AT work, at home on vacation, it is all the same. I think I have become a totally stressed out person in general though because of all this.
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