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      #6109 - 04/15/03 06:59 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I love being optimistic--it's what I'm good at But IBS is really taking its toll on me.......

Passover was always my favorite Jewish Holiday. I actually LOVE Matzah! I used to anxiously await eating Matzah pizza, Matzah with cream cheese and strawberry jam, and especially all the yummy deserts! This year will b different...there's no substitute for Matzah...On Passover we can't eat anything with flour, rice, peas, soybeans, nuts, I'll be eating potatoes and plain chicken for a week. I'm freaking out!

Lately I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster ride and no one will let me get off. I finally get my C under control (tons of water and citrucel seem to be doing the trick there--I took myself off the MiraLax laxative and I'm so glad I did!)....and now I have worse cramps and bloating (gas stayed the same), than before. My doc thinks if I go to the bathroom the other symptoms should go away. Sometimes I feel like he just doesn't know anything about IBS!!!

My energy is sapped these days. I'm always tired! I take my vitamins, I'm doing hypnotherapy (which I'm not expecting to work just yet--it takes a while...), trying to follow the diet, I'm blowing up like a balloon, (I weigh very little for my height--but my clothes barely fit I'm so bloated--and I feel sluggish from the bloating and I feel unattractive). I just feel so unhealthy!

I also find things difficult because I can't tolerate mustard, or anything with vinegar in it, spicy spices, ketchup (vinegar), and I'm not completely sure--but it seems garlic and onions, even processed/finely chopped, are a problem as well. I find this terribly frustrating! And to top it all off, soy doesn't sit too well with me.

I'm SO THANKFUL for this board! I don't know what I'd do or where I'd turn to just let it all out--safely! Thanks to anyone who reads this long one all the way through--and thanks in advance for your support! I don't have anyone in person that I can discuss this with (except my husband--and he tries to understand but he doesn't. He feels so helpless when I have an attack! I had one in the car yesterday while I was driving--HORRIBLE cramps--and as you can imagine, the driving wasn't too smooth. No major mishaps, thank G-d, but a little spat insued because of a silly miscommunication and almost wrong turn...and he had no idea I was in pain...I've been having a lot of out-of-nowhere cramps lately, a new symptom for me, they used to happen before or after a bowel movement). He prays for me everyday that it should get better--and he listens--but he doesn't GET IT! (He's wonderful for trying...and his support means more than I can say...but sometimes we just need someone who understands what we're going through...especially women).

I just want the IBS rollercoaster to stop!!! I'm ready to get off.

If you have advice, suggestions how to get through, or if you've been here...I'd appreciate any thoughts!!!!

Thanks for listening! Hope everyone's feeling good today--happy Tuesday!



Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6115 - 04/15/03 07:55 AM

Reged: 03/24/03
Posts: 13
Loc: North Texas

Hi Ruchie!

I understand what you are feeling completely. I don't think anyone can understand IBS until they have it. I use to wake up each morning and wonder if I would be spending half my day in the bathroom. I also felt a lot of guilt because I knew this was effecting my family. I refused to go out to eat (fear of a flare up) or to travel far away. Needless to say I think I developed anxiety. When I got my diagnosis for IBS the doctor put me on Paxil. That was three weeks ago and I have not had a flare up since. The doctor said it seems to help all her IBS patients. I still get gassy and bloated but not as bad. I am so glad to know this web site exists and there are other people going through the same thing I am. Hang in there!!!


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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6133 - 04/15/03 12:46 PM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 612
Loc: New Jersey,USA

Hey Ruchie,
I'm glad you like being optimistic because in the toughest times it seems to be optimism will help you out!I am completely familiar with the roller coaster ride youve been so anxiously want off (me too) Its hard enough to have ibs, but for me, its so terrible when im constantly being forced to eat triggers. My mom just doesnt get it. Shes constantly telling me that that if i dont THINK i'll get a stomache ache, i wont (ha!) I just think its hilarious when she says take an advil and it'll go away.... :sigh: Oh well, everytime im going through one of those bad episodes i just reassure myself that it will pass and everything will be okay. I know how hard it is to eat everything right and still get a bad episode. Although I am on Levsin which helps with the daily attacks, but not if i eat something thats a no-no.

Please, just keep your chin up and smile smile smile at the unexepected joy tomorrow may bring.

PS> dont ya just wish you could wake up and be ibs free?

Healed in Jesus' Name

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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6134 - 04/15/03 12:49 PM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 161
Loc: Western NY

Sorry to hear all this Ruchie (and oops on the wishing you a blessed Easter on the HT board - blessed Passover instead!!). I found that once I stopped drinking ANY caffeine and eating any high fat foods or soy, I could control the cramping - but it is/was miserable when it happened. I can't remember if you were in the heating pad thread but I find them VERY helpful, along with 3-4 ultra strength Phazymes and hot tea. Do you take as anti-spasmotic? That may help. I also find that getting is a 'cat' position or hanging over a counter helps relieve the gassy cramping and sometimes allows gas to pass, which is a relief. Have you ever tried that? Let's keep thinking positively about the HT - make sure CRAMPING is on one of those packages that you throw in the well! Gas is definitely on one of mine. Hang in there - it IS going to get better!

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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6135 - 04/15/03 12:54 PM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 161
Loc: Western NY

Yes to your 'p.s'!! Have you ever showed your parents articles on IBS and told them THIS is what its like for me? I think parents are often inclined to see things presented by their teenagers as issues as just that 'teenage issues' - and dismiss them. If they could learn more about it and which aspects of the descriptors in the article(s) you relate to, maybe that would help??? Good luck with this - if only IBS were just in our heads!

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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6139 - 04/15/03 01:07 PM

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 489
Loc: New Ken, PA

Hi Angel, I found this link that I thought might be helpful for you to show your parents. I hope that they understand that you are not making it up and can't control the symptoms. I don't know your situation, but have you thought about buying your own groceries, at least a few things so you don't have to eat trigger foods all the time? Maybe it would help? I don't know; but at least take a look at this site

Good luck!

What if the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about???

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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6149 - 04/15/03 02:35 PM

Reged: 02/02/03
Posts: 909
Loc: Brisbane, Australia


I'm so sorry you're feeling so poorly at the moment. I think we all have those moments where we feel completely fed up with it all and you're right - having this board to air our feelings can really help.

I completely know how you feel with the bloating, I am the same and yes it makes you feel very unattractive. I'm glad we're coming up to winrer here because I don't fancy seeing myself in a swimming costume!

I wish there was something I could do/say to make you feel better.

All I can say is that these things were meant to test us and just by being on this board it shows that you must have a strong sense of character because you have sought help and understanding instead of giving up. I think we all feel like giving up sometimes but just have to dust ourselves off and keep going as best we can. It's easy to become depressed over IBS -it's a debilitating condition. I try to think of all the people who are worse off than me when I'm really down - the list is long!

Anyway, thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon.


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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Re: Strugglin'...You poor baby... new
      #6159 - 04/15/03 04:29 PM

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 996
Loc: Groveland, CA

Ruchie - I had no idea you were still feeling so bad. I've been also having bloating which never has happened to me before and so I started drinking fennel tea. I went thru one of those little bottles in less than a week so needless to say I went to the health food store today and they were out of bulk fennel. Boy, was I pissed. A little jar of it costs almost $5 at the grocery store, but today it was on sale for 50% off so I bought 2. I'm going on the internet and buy some bulk there.

Anyway, have you tried fennel tea when you;re bloated? It sure helps me feel better and gets rid of most of the bloating.

Also, why don't you try switching to Fibercon like Heather suggested (or Wal-mart generic which I use and are cheaper) instead of the orange stuff you use. That could be giving you the gas and cramps. The Benefiber I used was terrible for me. I farted all day and night and my poor husband...oy vey!

What does vinegar, mustard, etc. do to you when you eat it? And, are you sure they're the culprit?

I'm just trying to be a Private Eye with seems to be one of my better points. I love to find the answers to questions...guess that's why I like puzzles.

Take it easy for Passover. It'll be over in a week and you'll be able to eat "normal" again. Just enjoy all those lovely potatoes and chicken...just don't come on the board and "cluck" your posts!!!!

If you can't eat Matzah on Passover, ,why do they have it out with all the other Passover stuff in the grocery store?

Hugs to you, Ruchila!


"Anything Chocolate"...that is all!

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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6161 - 04/15/03 04:45 PM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

One thought - have you been tested for celiac? It is often overlooked and people are diagnosed with IBS instead. A simple blood test will do the initial screening. Some of the foods (vinegar, mustards) can have gluten in them, and that can trigger problems.


Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6193 - 04/16/03 05:20 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


Thank you SO MUCH for responding!!! It's been a rough time for me lately...I really appreciate it!

Before my colonoscopy my doc wanted to rule out celiac, so he did the blood test...and it came back negative for celiac. Could the test have been wrong? Do I just need to eat plain foods from now on to stay IBS safe?

Heather, thank you for making this board...I don't know what I'd do without it!!!



Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6195 - 04/16/03 06:15 AM

Reged: 02/03/03
Posts: 6

Hey Ruchie,

I sure do know how you are feeling. I have been on a 2 week rollarcoaster myself and can't seem to get it undercontrol either. It is so hard to find what are your triggers, and how to control them....I know the feeling......I want to just wake up like a normal person does and not run to the bathroom so many times you have gone through a whole roll of toilet paper! I just wish we could all be IBS free for awhile and remember what it was like. Well, maybe not.....then we would remember what we are all missing. I hope things get better for you and remember we are all here for you. My sister is very supportive for me, but she doesn't know what it is much as she tries, unless you have it, you just don't get it. Take care and feel better, Heidi

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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6260 - 04/16/03 01:54 PM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

Hi - Well, the blood tests can have a false negative, but I'm not really sure how likely that is. If gluten intolerance runs in your family, if you have other symptoms like joint pain or skin problems (eczema in particular) in assocation with your GI symptoms, I would wonder if celiac isn't a possibility. I just read a great article in Today's Dietitian (that is not online, darn it) about celiac, and how often it's missed as a diagnosis, and how the current blood tests for it are not really that foolproof. The only thing I can suggest is that you try a gluten-free diet. This is tough - gluten is an ingredient in so many prepared foods where you'd never think to look. You can get info at web page

It might be worth it to just buckle down and go gluten free for a few weeks to see what happens. If you mostly cook at home this will be easier than trying to eat out in restaurants. Worst thing that could happen is you won't notice any difference - best thing is you might find out this really helps you. Also, you can keep following the IBS diet guidelines as well, but stick to rice as your soluble fiber food (or potatoes) and keep your supplement level up too.


Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6277 - 04/16/03 04:32 PM

Reged: 04/05/03
Posts: 27
Loc: NJ

Why can't you eat matzoh? I thought it is simply made of flour and water? I sure hope it is not a trigger as it is the only thing I'm planning on eating at my family's passover sedar tomorrow night!

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Re: Strugglin'...Re Ruchie new
      #6360 - 04/17/03 04:41 PM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 1939
Loc: Wisconsin

Hi Ruchie,
My Gastro. ruled out Celiac after he biopsy a portion of my small intestine. I do have a flat spot in my small intestine, which usually is caused by Celiac Disease, but in my case it is too much acid in my stomach.
Check for more info. about the disease and it has alot of great gluten free recipes.
Good luck!

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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6495 - 04/19/03 10:34 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


Thank you SO MUCH for this great link and info.! I'm printing it out now and I'm gonna read it tonight or tomorrow. I'll let you know how things go for me...thanks again! Have a wonderful holiday!!!



Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Strugglin'... new
      #6496 - 04/19/03 10:35 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


Hi there! I'm not sure why--but Matzah seems to make me *gulp* constipated! I was doing much better in this department before the I'm pretty blocked up. I hope things went better for you...please let me know! Chag Sameach!



Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Strugglin'...Re BarbaraS new
      #6500 - 04/19/03 10:52 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Thanks so much! I printed out pages about celiac and I'm going to research it...I'll update ya with what I come up with. Thanks again so much for the advice and the response (btw what does a flat spot mean...and I'm confused, you do or do not have celiac? Sorry for the confusion!) Take care, happy holidays!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Strugglin'...Re Ruchie new
      #6507 - 04/20/03 05:21 AM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 1939
Loc: Wisconsin

Hi Ruchie,
I'm glad you found the website useful!
I do not have Celiac Disease. My doctor biopsy my villa in my doudeum (sp?) because it was flatter than normal. With a biopsy my Doc. was looking to see if the top part of my villa was flat. If it is flat that would indicate Celiac Disease, but my wasn't. Thank God!!
Take Heather's advice and avoid food made with Glueten. Read your labels carefully. You can buy a lot of products that are glueten free, including waffles. Your safe flours are rice, oat, buckwheat, pototoe and corn. Chocolate is bad, but I do cook with carob powder and carob chips as an alternative.
I still primarly cook with these flours, because wheat really bothers me, which includes white flour. I do have recipes if you want them.
Good luck!!

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Re: Strugglin'...Re Ruchie new
      #6534 - 04/20/03 09:32 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


Thank you SO MUCH! I would LOVE some recipes! It doesn't sound like I have Celiac from the info. I doesn't run in my fam that I know of...and bread seems to calm my tummy...but I guess it's worth a shot to try it out. I'm very confused these days as to what I have--IBS definately...but I may have acid reflux or GERD...I'm not sure yet. I wonder if vinegar is problematic for people with acid reflux/GERD? In any case--I'm willing to try anything to feel better--and I would LOVE your recipes!!!! thakns again...happy holidays!



Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Ruchie-Vinegar new
      #6541 - 04/20/03 09:45 AM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 612
Loc: New Jersey,USA

I have acid refulx/GERD and i know for me vinegar is a trigger. Vinegar is very acidic and does me a bad one. lol. Have you been diagnosed with GERD? I have and been prescibed prevacid, but prevacid only seems to make my ibs worse, so yeah, that kindof stinks

Healed in Jesus' Name

Edited by ConcreteAngel (04/20/03 09:45 AM)

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Re: Ruchie-Vinegar new
      #6545 - 04/20/03 01:13 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


I wasn't diagnosed with GERD/acid reflux. I can't figure out why vinegar bothers me...and I'm trying to rule stuff out. I seem to be able to eat tomatoes okay...wouldn't that burn me if I had GERD? I hope you're having a TERRIFIC holiday!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Ruchie-Vinegar new
      #6549 - 04/20/03 01:57 PM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 612
Loc: New Jersey,USA

Im not really sure about the tomatoes, but i can handle speghetti sauce just fine. Its strange, but as for real plain tomatoes, i wouldnt know if it would bother me, because i despise tomatoes, and havnt eaten one in a very,very long time.

Healed in Jesus' Name

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Re: Ruchie-Vinegar new
      #6561 - 04/20/03 03:18 PM

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 996
Loc: Groveland, CA

Angela - how on Earth can you live in NJ and hate tomatoes? Tomatoes are what NJ is about (and white corn and asparagus, too) LOL! I wish I could get somebody to mail me NJ tomatoes--I had my Mom do it when she lived there. The next best thing is growing some on the deck here. Gonna try Beefsteaks this summer.


"Anything Chocolate"...that is all!

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Re: Strugglin'...Re Ruchie Give me a few days. NT new
      #6686 - 04/21/03 07:26 PM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 1939
Loc: Wisconsin

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Sharon-tomatoes new
      #6720 - 04/22/03 08:11 AM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 612
Loc: New Jersey,USA

I dont know Sharon, but the tomatoes around here really arnt that great. lol. the white corn on the oher hand....well thats a different story
I always hated tomatoes, unless there in the middle of bacon and lettuce on a BLT, but its been a while since i had that! On the flip side though, I do love Ketchup Sometimes I wish I lived in a tropical place, this way i could pick my own bananas... mmm...bananas............

Healed in Jesus' Name

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Re: Sharon-tomatoes new
      #6727 - 04/22/03 08:26 AM

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 996
Loc: Groveland, CA

Angela - you can still have a BLT if you use turkey bacon (it's really quite good), with tomato and thinly sliced lettuce if you can tolerate it. It might be better than the "boca burgers" you don't like!!! My bro is the same way w/tomatoes--hates 'em raw, but loves anything made from them!

Yeh, that corn is the greatest, isn't it?? Can you still eat it?


"Anything Chocolate"...that is all!

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Re: Sharon-tomatoes new
      #6732 - 04/22/03 08:31 AM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 612
Loc: New Jersey,USA

I can eat corn after a soluble fiber meal. As for the white corn, I was really referring to my grits, which is made out of ground white corn Unforunatley i cant use turkey bacon because my mom wont buy it. she thinks i can still handle regular blt, and makes me it when she makes it for dinner. Luckily, she doesnt make it often

Healed in Jesus' Name

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