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Re: REPORTING IN - 3/7/05 new
      #158253 - 03/08/05 10:31 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


Pre-breakfast: toast w/ honey
Breakfast: oatmeal w/ brown sugar, pumpkin pie spice, & canned peaches
Lunch: 1 cup mashed potatoes, jar of fruit babyfood
Snacks: toast w/ jelly, honeycomb
Dinner: meatloaf pita pizza
Drinks: 4 mugs teeccino w/ stevia & nondairy creamer = 60oz so far

Food & drinks total: 1232 so far, I will almost definitely snack later
Fruits & veggies: 4

Nothing, unless you count napping! LOL does that mean I get to count when I fell asleep at the computer at work for about 4-5 mins? LOL

Today was completely screwed up... I couldn't sleep last night, so I was goofing off, and suddenly (at 4am, sigh!) I remembered that Adam had his MRI this morning. Did I miss something.... what is this for? Hope he is ok... So I tried to force myself to sleep, which didn't work very well... and then we were at the hospital at 8am. So I ended up sleeping most of the day, which accounts for the low calories and lack of activity.


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Re: REPORTING IN - 3/7/05 new
      #158255 - 03/08/05 10:34 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


Hi all!
Okay, here is my reporting in SO FAR, I will have to amend it later...
Exercise: So far, none. Was at school until now. Am going out for dinner with my Dad, and then picking up Adrian at around midnight WWWWWOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOO!!!! (I am so excited, I totally missed him so much! Call me clingy, I don't care I WANT CUDDLING!! ). I will try and get on the elliptical either before we go out (depending on when we are going) or between dinner and going out to the airport.

Breakfast: S'mores Luna Bars (which is the last Luna Bar that I got from Seattle *pout*) Oh, that sucks!! How far is it for you to get to Blaine? They have them there don't they?? and mango applesauce = 273 calories

Lunch: Did not have lunch, as I was at school and didn't get time. Had snacks instead...

Snacks: Half lemonzest Luna Bar, 5 arrowroot cookies, 50 g baked lays = 440 calories

Okay, so I don't know what I'll have for dinner as I don't know where we are going but it will be safe as my stomach is pretty grumbly and not liking food much these days!

Water: I am supposed to have 80 oz, so far I have had.. about 30, oy. But it's only 5 o'clock here!

Will amend my report after dinner and hopefully exercise.

**Adrian's coming home, happy dance happy dance** HAPPY DANCE!!



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Re: REPORTING IN - 3/7/05 new
      #158256 - 03/08/05 10:36 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA




Pre-breakfast: toast w/ honey
Breakfast: oatmeal w/ brown sugar, pumpkin pie spice, & canned peaches
Lunch: 1 cup mashed potatoes, jar of fruit babyfood After reading that you eat some babyfood, I got some at the local drug store and it was AWFUL! I think I must have gotten a yucky kind, I can't remember what it was now but it just tasted like slime! I will have to try some again soon. Slime, LOL!! I shouldn't laugh, the first babyfood I bought was perfectly horrible too. What brands do you have up there? I only buy Gerber, because the others I've tried are awful. I also find that the plain fruits aren't sweet enough for me - I add a smidge of honey or sugar if I get those.
Snacks: toast w/ jelly, honeycomb
Dinner: meatloaf pita pizza This sounds really yummy - what is it? Super easy! I take a pita bread, spread it with about a tablespoon of tomato sauce, and then top it with some leftover meatloaf crumbled up (I use Shell's recipe) and some mushrooms. Sprinkle with soy parmesan, and bake till everything's hot. You could add soy mozzarella too, of course, but I never buy the stuff so I eat it without.
Drinks: 4 mugs teeccino w/ stevia & nondairy creamer = 60oz so far

Food & drinks total: 1232 so far, I will almost definitely snack later
Fruits & veggies: 4 Well done! I still have so much trouble getting enough fruit and veg into my diet

Nothing, unless you count napping! LOL That was me yesterday! My Dad came down and asked me if I'd worked out today, and I said, "No... I took a long nap, though..." Ooops!

Today was completely screwed up... I couldn't sleep last night, so I was goofing off, and suddenly (at 4am, sigh!) I remembered that Adam had his MRI this morning. So I tried to force myself to sleep, which didn't work very well... and then we were at the hospital at 8am. So I ended up sleeping most of the day, which accounts for the low calories and lack of activity. Bah, lack of sleep is the worste... and the more you try to force it, the worse it gets! I would have ended up sleeping all day too if that had been me. Is Adam okay? I hope his tests went well!

Adam is, hopefully, ok. Honestly, I'm really worried about him. He has these severe headaches that don't respond to painkillers, and he gets occasional vision distortion and dizziness. Hence the MRI. I don't know how long it takes to get the results back, but hopefully it won't be too long, so I can stop worrying that he has a brain tumor. oH MY GOODNESSSSSSS......I'll be thinking of you both...I sure hope the test come back negative for a tumor and they find out what is causing everything and FIX him!!


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Re: Welcome, April! new
      #158259 - 03/08/05 10:38 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


I think you might find something helpful right here, in the Yoga for IBS section of the website. You might also want to stop giving him prunes, as that can sometimes make matters worse (I could explain, but I really suggest reading through the Diet material on this website for further information - it's explained a lot better than I can do!) Good luck to your friend!

Welcome and good luck to your friend.... Casey pointed ya in the right direction.

Thanks Casey...


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Re: Amendment - Final Reporting in for today! new
      #158265 - 03/08/05 10:48 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


Hi all!
So I managed 15 minutes on the elliptical better then none! before I went to dinner, but I went really slow so I didn't get all sweaty and could just clean up quick before dinner.
Burned: 50 calories.

Food Budget: 1258 calories

Dinner: Penne with chicken breasts and mushrooms in a tomato sauce and one piece of bread with some balsamic vinegar = ?? I don't know how many calories. I ate about half of it, and brought the rest home. sounds good!

So before dinner my calorie count was.. 713 calories. So as long as my dinner was under.. 546 calories for sure it was....I'd guess the WHOLE thing was about 425 , I stayed within my calorie budget.. which I am sure it was.

Yay for me.
I weighed myself again today (which I know I shouldn't do, bad Stephanie!!) and I am back up to 160 lbs. So the 3 lbs I lost are back apparently.. I just don't understand how come I have been exercising more, and eating less and still weigh more than I ever have. Did you weigh yourself at the same time of day and wearing the same type of clothing, had you just drank a bunch of water? Those are all things to concider..... as Kandee pointed out to me in an email... here I'll qoute it....


Shell, about your weigh-in day..and that crummy one pound gain..did you realize you drank 6 1/2 POUNDS of water that day?

I am trying not to get frustrated, but I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I used to eat WEIGH more calories and never do any exercise, and never got above 140 lbs.
Anywho, that's all from me today.. 2 hours 'til Adrian arrives!!! Yeah!!!


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Re: REPORTING IN - 3/7/05 new
      #158270 - 03/08/05 10:51 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


Hello everyone! It is a beautiful sunny (but COLD) morning here. Here's my report for yesterday (Monday):

Breakfast - multigrain cereal w/vanilla soy milk, raisins, cinnamon. OJ w/fiber powder. 16 oz coffee w/cream&Sugar
Snacks - Banana AND apple (STARVING this morning for some reason???)
Lunch - Turkey on white sub bun w/spicy mustard (Mondays at lunch I go to a nearby elementary school and have lunch w/a little 5h grade girl for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Oh, how sweet!! I always feel so bad b/c she has to eat the school lunch and it is always GROSS! And she is so skinny! Next time I will have to bring her something good. Yeah, bring her teh grub!! lol But today we had fun painting our nails ) how fun!
Snack - few dried apricots
Dinner - leftover beef stew w/carrots and potatoes, 2 biscuits w/butter and honey.
Dessert - rice crispy treat w/glazed frosting - SOOOO naughty! I went grocery shopping and saw that there and COULD NOT help myself. I am rationalizing that it was less detrimental than a piece of cake or cookie or donut or something. And I only ate 2/3 of it. Granted it was quite large so that was probably like 1.5 regular sized rice crispy treats.

Excercise - 17 min on the elliptical (YAY! Foot is still on the mend!!) w/5 min walking warm up and cooldown. Crunches and lower body work on ball. 10 "sort of" pushups. good job.... concidering your poor foot

Water - I've been forgetting to report this. My guestimate for Monday is 60 oz. I don't like to drink a lot in the afternoon when I know I'm going to work out after work - I get side stitches really easily.


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Re: so far today...updated 3:30 pm new
      #158273 - 03/08/05 10:53 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA




kashi heart to heart cereal- only 160 cals
2 luna bars- 180 each
1 turkey sandwich- about 200 calories (I have to estimate on the homemade BBQ.. hard to know exactly how much I used, it might be more like 230 cals)

2 altoids - 7 calories

Grocery shopped (bought 10 boxes of the old luna bars at whole foods, they don't have the new ones yet, but target had none, and trader joes had the new ones (bought one each of the flavors I like that they had to try)). and a variety of other things, including peppermint reception sticks at trader joes to satisfy my chocolate tooth some at work... and also lots of hummus!

need to go to Meijers again too
gonna bake and just started laundry as well... once things are in the oven I think I'll ride the bike, feeling overstuffed after that sandwich so soon on the heels of the last luna bar, but I haven't eaten enough calories yet today (yes I am having trouble increasing my caloric intake!)

Dinner will be out for thai food
Wish me luck!


I also ate 1 muffin sized ADB and 1 scone (the smallest) when they came out of the oven.. Oh, the temptation!! lol I made mini muffin and full muffin ADB's for something else, the chocolate scones are for me- will add some baby food fruit to them, not sweet, but will be good breakfasts.. recipe from the recipe site here is YUMMY!

we ate out- I ate an entire order of chicken drunken noodle- OH so good, but I was a PIG! oops.....but you've been so good, it is ok once in awhile..... and then applesauce to take my sfs


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Re: REPORTING IN - 3/7/05 new
      #158304 - 03/08/05 11:24 AM

Reged: 02/23/04
Posts: 1213
Loc: Ewing, NJ, USA (IBS-D, Vegetarian)

Ok, sorry I'm late, I'm giving finals to the freshmen engineers this week...

Total calories: 1622! I was so proud of myself when I added everything up last night!

breakfast: plain toasted bagel with pumpkin butter
At work: unsweetened applesauce, piece of spinach bread (this time made with 1C of spinach, not the 1/2C the recipe calls for, and it's even tastier!), vegan blueberry muffin, plain bagel with smidge of peanut butter and seedless strawberry jam
Dinner: pasta with Prego garden combination sauce, half piece of spinach bread
Dessert/snack: mango tangerine sorbet

exercise: 20 minute walk into work with laptop in backpack (my shoulders have been killing me lately, trying to see if the backpack helps with that as opposed to the shoulder bag), 4 hours of giving exams (meaning being up and around answering questions and signing off on answers, all with an extremely sore right leg!) drove me home luckily, and I could spend most of the night with heating pad on my leg, it's not as bad today, but I'm only giving 2 hours of exams instead of 4, so I've managed to stay off of it mostly....

Friendship is thicker than blood. ~Rent

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Re: REPORTING IN - 3/7/05 new
      #158322 - 03/08/05 11:38 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


Ok, sorry I'm late, I'm giving finals to the freshmen engineers this week... Hey, that is ok.... I just did mine like an hour ago!!

Total calories: 1622! I was so proud of myself when I added everything up last night! YAH!!

breakfast: plain toasted bagel with pumpkin butter
At work: unsweetened applesauce, piece of spinach bread (this time made with 1C of spinach, not the 1/2C the recipe calls for, and it's even tastier!) yum.... it's on my list of stuff to try!! , vegan blueberry muffin is this one posted in the index? , plain bagel with smidge of peanut butter and seedless strawberry jam
Dinner: pasta with Prego garden combination sauce, half piece of spinach bread
Dessert/snack: mango tangerine sorbet

exercise: 20 minute walk into work with laptop in backpack (my shoulders have been killing me lately, trying to see if the backpack helps with that as opposed to the shoulder bag), 4 hours of giving exams (meaning being up and around answering questions and signing off on answers, all with an extremely sore right leg!) drove me home luckily, and I could spend most of the night with heating pad on my leg, it's not as bad today, oh good but I'm only giving 2 hours of exams instead of 4, so I've managed to stay off of it mostly....


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Re: REPORTING IN - 3/7/05 new
      #158331 - 03/08/05 11:46 AM

Reged: 02/23/04
Posts: 1213
Loc: Ewing, NJ, USA (IBS-D, Vegetarian)



Ok, sorry I'm late, I'm giving finals to the freshmen engineers this week... Hey, that is ok.... I just did mine like an hour ago!!

Total calories: 1622! I was so proud of myself when I added everything up last night! YAH!!

breakfast: plain toasted bagel with pumpkin butter
At work: unsweetened applesauce, piece of spinach bread (this time made with 1C of spinach, not the 1/2C the recipe calls for, and it's even tastier!) yum.... it's on my list of stuff to try!! , vegan blueberry muffin is this one posted in the index? Yup! Here I used canned blueberries for this batch, I have some frozen ones to try for the next one! , plain bagel with smidge of peanut butter and seedless strawberry jam
Dinner: pasta with Prego garden combination sauce, half piece of spinach bread
Dessert/snack: mango tangerine sorbet

exercise: 20 minute walk into work with laptop in backpack (my shoulders have been killing me lately, trying to see if the backpack helps with that as opposed to the shoulder bag), 4 hours of giving exams (meaning being up and around answering questions and signing off on answers, all with an extremely sore right leg!) drove me home luckily, and I could spend most of the night with heating pad on my leg, it's not as bad today, oh good but I'm only giving 2 hours of exams instead of 4, so I've managed to stay off of it mostly....

Friendship is thicker than blood. ~Rent

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