Toady! It's so nice to see your smiling face!! I took the Donnatal and surprisingly, it worked miracles on my shakes! I'd dance a tango with a poodle underwater if I'd thought it would help... I hate feeling helpless when it gets that bad... the cold sweats, the shakes, the aliens clawing out of my stomach and that awful feeling my body's been hijacked and I'm only along for the ride!!
THAT being said, it's actually a GOOD day today! i was able to get some errands done, and my tummy only hurt once, in the parking lot, as some lady was trying to make small talk w me.
...She must have thought I was crazy, hopping from one foot to the other as my stomach was stabbed with cramps, as I grimaced while trying to smile through clenched teeth. Oh, well, serves her right for talking to strangers.
How have your headaches been lately, btw? Are you noticing any improvement as time has passed since your surgery?
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