I started drinking the peppermint tea alot recently and it only made my problems worse!! Turns out I have acid reflux and did not know it...I do not have the "classic symptoms". The slippery elm sounds interesting and I may try that. I also have a slow digestive tract and am taking meds for that right now. Sometimes there is an underlying problem that is not IBS related. I have scheduled a colonoscopy for the 18th...hopefully that will come back with good news.
As a woman your mother probably expects you to push through your pain and feeling bad and just help out around the house on a regular basis. I wish I could just come home from work and do nothing too!! That's not the world I live in, nor many of us for that fact.
Good Luck to you!!
-------------------- IBS-C Sufferer since I was 18 and a FMS sufferer also!! Not feeling well enough to shop...Visit my online website!! www.youravon.com/bwethman