Your day to day life with IBS sounds really hard. Most of us have very few people who are compassionate about how we feel, so I can relate. I didn't mean to come off sounding like I didn't care. I respond because I do care. But I see you in this constantly bad cycle and I want to help you get out of it.
I know you've been struggling with staying on track to avoid trigger foods, how is that going for you?
For cramps, do you take Heather's peppermint capsules, and/or peppermint tea?
Ginger chews really help nausea for me, and they work instantly. Ginger tea would also help nausea.
How much acacia fiber are you taking per day? I had to go to a pretty high dose (4 tablespoons per day) to see consistent results, but now it really helps.
Maybe for several days to a week you should go on the break the cycle diet: eat nothing but white rice, plain potatoes, sourdough bread and chicken breast or white fish. And drink lots of tea. Have you tried this type of short term diet before, without cheating at all? Give it a shot - it may help you stabilize enough so that you're not debilitated every single morning.