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Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
      11/24/09 12:53 PM

Reged: 09/05/09
Posts: 581
Loc: Northern California

It sounds like you are angry, bitter, and full of resentment towards your family. Have you considered psychotherapy? You might find such very helpful in getting on with your own life, independent from what is not presently working towards a better and more productive life.

Best to you!

Senior female, IBS-D, presently stable thanks to Heather & Staff

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Entire thread
* I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/24/09 11:38 AM
* IBS & family
11/27/09 04:41 PM
* Re: IBS & family

11/27/09 07:29 PM
* Re: IBS & family
11/28/09 07:27 AM
* Re: IBS & family

11/28/09 08:43 AM
* Re: IBS & family
11/28/09 09:18 AM
* Re: IBS & family

11/28/09 09:24 AM
* Re: IBS & family
11/28/09 12:10 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/27/09 05:57 AM
* syl,dragonfly,horrible today don't know why

11/27/09 07:48 AM
* Re: syl,dragonfly,horrible today don't know why
11/27/09 08:12 AM
* Some thoughts about this
11/24/09 12:47 PM
* Re: Some thoughts about this

11/24/09 12:56 PM
* Not the same...
11/24/09 01:10 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/24/09 11:53 AM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/24/09 11:56 AM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/24/09 12:12 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/24/09 12:36 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/24/09 12:57 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/24/09 01:07 PM
* I give up... you just don't get it! -nt-
11/24/09 01:20 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/24/09 01:15 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/24/09 01:38 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/25/09 06:44 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/26/09 09:19 AM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/26/09 09:49 AM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/26/09 07:03 AM
* Lemon Glazed Bread..loved it but it didn't love me.nt
11/27/09 05:51 AM
* Re: Lemon Glazed Bread..loved it but it didn't love me.nt

11/28/09 08:44 AM
* Re: Lemon Glazed Bread..loved it but it didn't love me.nt
11/28/09 09:20 AM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/26/09 02:35 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/26/09 02:50 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/26/09 04:21 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/26/09 06:46 PM
* Colonoscopy is a must...
11/26/09 07:07 PM
* Re: Colonoscopy is a must...

11/26/09 08:28 PM
* Re: Colonoscopy is a must...
11/28/09 06:19 PM
* Re: Colonoscopy is a must...
11/28/09 03:18 PM
* Re: Colonoscopy is a must...
11/28/09 03:43 PM
* Re: Colonoscopy is a must...
11/29/09 06:57 AM
* Re: Colonoscopy is a must...
11/29/09 03:31 PM
* You can't claim IBS if you have not been properly diagnosed -nt-
11/26/09 08:45 PM
* Re: You can't claim IBS if you have not been properly diagnosed..I totally disagree
11/27/09 05:44 AM
* Rome III criteria for IBS
11/27/09 04:48 AM
* Syl
11/27/09 06:20 AM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/24/09 12:53 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/26/09 09:06 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/26/09 09:09 PM

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