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Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
      11/24/09 12:36 PM


it's agony trying to get things done during the day when I have to work so I do things 2 days a week,at night. When I try to do things during the day,I either get cramped over,nasous,its terrible, and in the toilet every few minutes or several times an hour,Iits a chore just getting up to get tea or food. My mom needs to realize I can't just snap up and do things right when she wants me to. I never said she needed to contribute,but her and my sister live here for free and are in debt to my dad(parents divorced my mom no where to live so lives with us) They sit on their butts all day and when they have to do anything they whine and complain. They don't have anything wrong with them. I usually feel pretty tired even before I go to work cuz I can't get enough sleep plus my ibs just drains me even more. I suppose instead of relaxing after cooking on my days in taking out the garbage or vacuming a room,but its hard since I barley fit in getting my room cleaned before 11pm,and by that time im pretty exhausted. like right now I'm getting hot and cold,sides bulging,and I don't know I can make it to my 4pm appointment I scheduled a month ago.

im leaving the boards,to just totally relax and hope I have some more bms before my appointment or ill be feeling pretty nasous and terrible. Even getting ready for work at 4pm,I feel so awful sometimes I'm a few minutes late im draging myself around to get ready. some days I want to cry so bad at work becaue of how awful I feel but don't. I was dizzy and have felt so sick I thought I was going to faint. I don't sit around feeling sorry,only really sick,and I really don't get much compassion from anyone,I don't care,but it makes me want to cry when my boyfriend shows compassion or asks if I'm ok. ALl i'm thinking is yes its just how it is or that it won't shorten my life its just really uncomfortable and that I'm used to this.

Edited by aperson (11/24/09 12:39 PM)

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* I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/24/09 11:38 AM
* IBS & family
11/27/09 04:41 PM
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11/27/09 07:29 PM
* Re: IBS & family
11/28/09 07:27 AM
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11/28/09 08:43 AM
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11/28/09 09:18 AM
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11/28/09 09:24 AM
* Re: IBS & family
11/28/09 12:10 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/27/09 05:57 AM
* syl,dragonfly,horrible today don't know why

11/27/09 07:48 AM
* Re: syl,dragonfly,horrible today don't know why
11/27/09 08:12 AM
* Some thoughts about this
11/24/09 12:47 PM
* Re: Some thoughts about this

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* Not the same...
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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/24/09 12:12 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/24/09 12:36 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/24/09 12:57 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/24/09 01:07 PM
* I give up... you just don't get it! -nt-
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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

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* Re: Lemon Glazed Bread..loved it but it didn't love me.nt

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* Re: Lemon Glazed Bread..loved it but it didn't love me.nt
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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

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* You can't claim IBS if you have not been properly diagnosed -nt-
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* Syl
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* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/24/09 12:53 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else
11/26/09 09:06 PM
* Re: I feel so bad that I can't help anyone else

11/26/09 09:09 PM

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