Hang in there, honey! I know you're scared, but 5 - 7 weeks were the absolute worst for me. I was so nauseous, running to the bathroom... the good news is you will start to feel better soon. You probably won't feel really good till about 12 weeks, but the worse ones are the earlier ones. Your body is changing dramatically and those hormones are going nuts. It's just your body's way of reacting to all the changes. Just try to relax as much as possible. Try lots of ginger tea. It's better for nausea than peppermint. Also, lots of soda crackers. Try not to let your stomach get empty. I know - hard to do when you're not feeling well, but I found it worse when I let my stomach get empty - I felt sicker and didn't want to eat which made me feel worse. Try nibbling on soda crackers all day long. Really small amounts frequently. It'll be OK, sweetie. What's happening has happened to so many of us. Just breathe through it and take extra good care of yourself. XOXO, A.
-------------------- Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.
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