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Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
      12/19/07 11:41 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

Heidi that's great news!! Isn't that funny we are doing it at the same time! Good luck with your venture. I am meeting the inspector at 4pm for our place!!

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* It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
Angela E.
12/17/07 09:55 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
12/19/07 10:54 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
Angela E.
12/19/07 11:41 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
12/22/07 06:39 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
Angela E.
12/22/07 07:09 AM
* That's nearly miraculous in Michigan!! ;)
12/18/07 01:29 PM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
12/17/07 12:00 PM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
Angela E.
12/18/07 11:57 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
12/18/07 02:01 PM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
12/17/07 10:21 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
Angela E.
12/18/07 11:55 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
12/18/07 12:07 PM

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