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Re: Explaining IBS
      12/19/07 09:33 AM

Reged: 07/23/07
Posts: 392
Loc: Brooklyn, NY

I've said,

"IBS is something that at this point in time has no cure because there isn't anything physically wrong with me, just that my insides are either working when they shouldn't or they're working harder than they should or they're not working at super slow speeds. All of these things are activated in certain ways by what I eat."

I then explain the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber:

"I would need to eat a bunch of soluble foods before consuming insoluble foods. For example, after exercising, one usually goes for a salad or legumes or any kind of food that will make your system work harder to digest because yes, it's good for you. But with IBS, my system is already working hard and if I give it insoluble foods, then my system will work so hard and so fast that it'll have me sitting in the loo all day."

Hope this helps!

Wendy IBS A thru Z
Taking it one day at a time...

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* Explaining IBS
12/18/07 06:35 PM
* Re: Explaining IBS - thanks!!!
12/21/07 11:48 AM
* Re: Explaining IBS - thanks!!!
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12/19/07 11:29 AM
* Re: Explaining IBS
12/19/07 09:33 AM
* Re: Explaining IBS -- bump n/t
12/19/07 08:14 AM

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