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It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
      12/17/07 09:55 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

Hi everyone! Things around here are so busy. The big news is that we are buying a house and closing on it by Dec. 31. I am so excited! It has happened just in the past week. It's twice the size of our house now which is only 1300 sq.ft and it is sooooo nice! The best part is that is was reposessed by the bank so we got a great deal on it! So good that we can handle both mortgages until we sell this one. It's needs a little cleaning and some painting but other than that it is beautiful! My stomach has been in knots and a bit touchy with everything going on. I am so glad that we had a snow day today so that I could catch up on some things. I haven't wrapped a single present and I just started to do some baking because Noah was worried Santa wouldn't have any cookies! Anyways just thought I'd share the news!!!

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* It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
Angela E.
12/17/07 09:55 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
12/19/07 10:54 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
Angela E.
12/19/07 11:41 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
12/22/07 06:39 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
Angela E.
12/22/07 07:09 AM
* That's nearly miraculous in Michigan!! ;)
12/18/07 01:29 PM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
12/17/07 12:00 PM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
Angela E.
12/18/07 11:57 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
12/18/07 02:01 PM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
12/17/07 10:21 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
Angela E.
12/18/07 11:55 AM
* Re: It's the holiday, we're buying a house and my stomach is crazy!
12/18/07 12:07 PM

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