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Stupid health insurance rant!
      12/12/06 02:43 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Our blue cross premiums keep going up and up and up. Its up to $872 a month. Well, today, I got a huge packet in the mail that they are decreasing our benefits!! We used to have a $20 office visit copay, up to $40 now. They used to pay 100% of lab work and hospital, now only 80%. I have to have blood drawn every 3-4 weeks to monitor my blood and liver from the drugs I am on.

Speaking of drugs, I used to have a three tier copay, $10 for generic, $20 for preferred brands and $40 for non prefered stuff, which most of my drugs are. We used to be able to mail in and get three months for one copay. Now, they raised it to $10, $30 and $60 and the mail in is a double copay. I figure its going to cost me another $300 a month or so JUST in drug co pays!!!! I have no idea what the blood work is going to run every month and I usually have 2-3 doctor visits a month so thats another $60 increase!!!

No other insurance company will take me though because of my pre-existing ra!!! I'm going to be paying more each month for medical care than I am for my house payment! As if having a crappy illness isn't enough, now I have to figure out how not to go bankrupt paying for it.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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* Stupid health insurance rant!
12/12/06 02:43 PM
* Re: Stupid health insurance rant!
12/13/06 08:58 AM
* Re: Stupid health insurance rant!
12/13/06 09:31 AM
* Re: Stupid health insurance rant!
12/13/06 06:06 AM
* Re: Thanks everyone
12/13/06 07:15 AM
* Re: Thanks everyone
12/14/06 05:17 PM
* michelle,
12/14/06 05:19 AM
* Re: Stupid health insurance rant!
12/12/06 06:15 PM
* Re: Stupid health insurance rant!
12/12/06 05:53 PM
* Re: Stupid health insurance rant!
12/12/06 05:10 PM
* Re: Stupid health insurance rant!
12/12/06 07:04 PM
* good points..
12/13/06 05:44 AM

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