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Re: Atomic Rose ... How is your father? - nt -
      10/05/06 06:34 AM

Reged: 05/26/04
Posts: 118
Loc: Texas


I hope your Dad is doing ok.My father has prostate cancer and had surgery a few weeks ago, he doesn't have to have Chemo but he may have to have radiation.Also he is a 2o something year cancer survior of a different kind.

Also, I wanted to tell you that my son's friend (he's 14)
has cancer he also has stage 4. Although his is not the same as your Fathers. His is called Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma.
He had a tumor attached to muscles on his shoulder, 2 in his lymph nodes under his arm and 1 in each lung. Now saying this and I hope this part will give you renewed hope for your Father. He has been on mini chemo 1x a week and Monster chemo 2x's a month where he goes and stays at the hospital. He also has started radiation and he now has that everyday
for 4 1/2 more weeks. The point I'm trying to get to here is he
had tests done last week and ALL OF HIS TUMORS HAS SHRUNK,
AND ONE IN HIS LUNGS HAS DISAPPEARED COMPLETELY, (Sorry for the caps lock I'm not screaming at you) This is so terrific and I just want you to know that even stage 4 can be beat,
My son's friend is a good testament to that.. Your Dad can do it.

Take Care

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* Atomic Rose ... How is your father? - nt -
Double J
10/02/06 03:20 AM
* Re: Atomic Rose ... How is your father?
Shell Marr
10/09/06 05:30 PM
* From me too, Casey. I hope you and your dad are doing okay. -nt-
10/10/06 07:59 AM
* Re: Atomic Rose ... How is your father? - nt -
10/05/06 06:34 AM
* He starts chemo at 9am today
atomic rose
10/02/06 03:38 AM
* Re: He starts chemo at 9am today
10/04/06 01:07 PM
* Re: He starts chemo at 9am today
10/03/06 11:56 PM
* Wishing you luck Casey
10/03/06 05:58 PM
* Please keep us updated. - nt -
Double J
10/02/06 07:40 PM
* I just got off the phone with him...
atomic rose
10/02/06 07:55 PM
* Re: I just got off the phone with him...
Angela E.
10/03/06 02:09 PM
* Well, I don't know...
atomic rose
10/03/06 06:12 PM
* Re: Well, I don't know...
10/04/06 07:34 AM
* Re: I just got off the phone with him...
10/03/06 08:16 AM
* Re: I just got off the phone with him...
10/03/06 07:18 AM
* Re: He starts chemo at 9am today
10/02/06 01:05 PM
* Re: He starts chemo at 9am today
10/02/06 02:23 PM
* Re: He starts chemo at 9am today
10/02/06 12:50 PM
* Re: He starts chemo at 9am today
10/02/06 10:06 AM
* I'll be thinking of you and your dad, Casey. -nt-
10/02/06 07:52 AM
* Re: He starts chemo at 9am today
Double J
10/02/06 04:30 AM
* Re: He starts chemo at 9am today
10/02/06 07:21 AM

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