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      05/04/06 05:23 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Rats are such awesome pets! This is the third pair of rats that I've had. They're medium fancy rats, if you go by the pet store's tags... although I guess they've gotten pretty darn big, hehe.

These two don't do tricks, unfortunately. My last pair, I acquired from my boss when they were still babies, and they were very easy to train. They didn't do tricks, per se, but I let them run around my apartment freely, because all I had to do was clap my hands twice, and they'd run back to their cage. As far as I was concerned, that's the best trick anyway. LOL! But the two I have now - Gwendolyn and Llewella - were a bit older when I got them, and they still don't even like to be held, so I think tricks are out of the question.

No baby rats out of these, either. I've thought about buying a male rat and breeding, but then I think, "what the heck am I going to do with a dozen little rats?!" I couldn't keep them all, and I will NEVER sell them back to a pet store, because 99% of pet store rats up here end up as snake food! But holy cow, are baby rats ADORABLE. Someday....

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* rats - for Casey
05/03/06 12:37 AM
* Hi Catherine!
atomic rose
05/03/06 05:33 AM
* Re: Hi Catherine!
05/04/06 03:04 AM
* Re: Hi Catherine!
atomic rose
05/04/06 05:29 AM
* Re: Hi Catherine!
05/04/06 07:52 AM
* Wow, Rats! neat...
Johnny T. Reb
05/03/06 11:29 AM
* Hehe...
atomic rose
05/04/06 05:23 AM
* Re: Hehe...
Johnny T. Reb
05/04/06 11:42 AM
* Actually....
atomic rose
05/04/06 01:50 PM
* Re: Wow, Rats! neat...
05/03/06 03:37 PM
* That is awesome!
atomic rose
05/04/06 05:25 AM
* Re: Wow, Rats! neat...
05/04/06 03:05 AM

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