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Re: Update -- long (like lunchbreak long)
      02/16/06 06:37 AM


Well you are in quite a pickle. First though I have to say that you are a great storyteller That was perfect.

So onto my thoughts...I think you handled it just perfectly from your end. Since it clearly seems that the problem is his, that he needs to figure it out. I wouldn't say don't see him again, but I wouldn't start making it easy for him to just forget this is an issue until a later time- I definitely agree that if you see this as being a reason for this not to be able to develop into something more in the future, then why cause yourself all that emotional distress by putting yourself in a situation that is just inevitably going to end - and not that y'all can't stay friends since it seems there are a lot of mutual friends in between you both. He seems to really like you and it sounds like he's pretty awesome and definitely would be a good catch.

So I say just play it nice (I'm typically passive too so keep in mind where my opinions come from) but don't start inviting him up to you apartment just because he wants to make out with you and forget that he has some other issues to figure out first (and fast ). And even better that you'll probably see him soon so that you can just look fantastic and he'll realize that he better get on the stick with this before he loses you.

Haha I hope that made sense - I'm at work and so tired!

Well best of luck and definitely keep us posted on this guy.

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* Update -- long (like lunchbreak long)
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