This is interesting. I am bipolar. I'm only learning about fibromyalgia. I ache ALOT, and only sleep when drugged--no joke. When I say, I have to pop a pill to sleep--and, it hurts, skeletally/muscularily to sleep--or it won't happen, I'm quite serious. I've gone years without sleep. The funny thing is, after you've slept, you're tired from actually having slept after such a hiatus from some regular zzz's. It takes a few weeks to get the hang of it and bounce back. Oh, I'm just babbling again...but at least bipolars are brainy and brilliant and creative and the drugs do wonders for facilitating a balanced enough mood to LIVE. Though, I admit, I miss some of the perks of the BEST SEX I'VE ever had--note sex, and not relationships! Bipolar brains are just neurochemically differently wired. Sometimes challenges like this are blessings.
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