Yup! I am in my first year of graduate school at NC State. I did my undergraduate at Arizona State (and between all of the stress of graduate school, moving across country and now dealing with multiple new health issues, it's been a rough year!!)
I haven't even had any time to go anywhere outside of Raleigh, unfortunately, cuz I would love to see the mountains or beach sometime...maybe this summer.
And I just started taking the mood stabilizer today...and they've got me on a low dose to begin with, gradually upping it until I'm at the dose proven most effective...so we'll see how it goes...hopefully it's not an incredible shock to my system and I dont get any weird side effects (like the fatal rash they warned me about!!) But I have noticed that I'm able to sit here and NOT think for once (I don't know if its all the drugs doping me out, or what). It's amazing! I'm so used to having a million thoughts racing through my head at any given moment, I could never ever relax...