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Re: Dealing with a new diagnosis of fibromyalgia...
      04/14/05 12:33 PM

Reged: 07/15/04
Posts: 773
Loc: Baltimore, MD

Being diagnosed with Fibro is not the end of the world, although at first it may seem that way. But you will eventually have good days as well as bad days. Right now it sounds like you are in a flare up. It always seems darkest to me when I am in a flare. But on good days I think to myself I am alright and I can keep this thing under control and not let it rule my life.

I also fought taking meds for the fibro but I eventually gave in and took them because I had to sleep or I was going to breakdown. After I got months of mostly good sleep I slowly came off my meds. I only take valerian (herb that helps you to sleep) and extra strength tylenol for the painful days and Naproxen (rx pain killer) if I absolutely have to. I also exercise now and try to intake as much H2O as possible. This has made me much less achey and I have more good days then bad days. But OH BOY watch out when I do have a flare up it is really painful and depressing.

Everybody is different and has different extents of Fibro. I believe I have a mild case. I am still able to work full-time. Others have severe cases and meds are the only relief as well as therapy. But it may be possible for you to do it w/o meds eventually. Just like the IBS you have to experiment, trial and error to find out what works for you.

Good Luck and if you ever need to vent there are several Fibromites on this board besides myself. Ruchie, Linz, Nelly, LauraSue, JenX just to name a few.


~Hoping and Praying for Sleep!~

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* Dealing with a new diagnosis of fibromyalgia...
04/13/05 10:11 AM
* Thank you everyone!!!
04/19/05 11:55 PM
* Yes....
04/21/05 09:14 AM
* Re: Bipolar fibro
04/21/05 12:13 PM
* Re: Bipolar fibro
04/23/05 05:33 PM
* Re: Bipolar fibro
04/23/05 03:54 PM
* Yeah, this is mentioned...
04/24/05 10:43 PM
* steather
04/21/05 01:42 PM
* Beaglelover..
04/21/05 11:34 PM
* Steather.
04/22/05 07:09 AM
* Re: Bipolar fibro
04/21/05 12:33 PM
* Re: Yes....
Snow for Sarala
04/21/05 11:55 AM
* Re: Yes....
04/21/05 12:23 PM
* Heather
04/20/05 11:40 AM
* Re: Dealing with a new diagnosis of fibromyalgia...
04/15/05 09:42 AM
* LS....
04/17/05 05:00 AM
* Re: LS....
04/18/05 01:32 PM
* Oh yeah!
04/17/05 04:57 AM
* LS, You ROCK!
04/15/05 05:02 PM
* {{{gentle hugs}}}}
04/15/05 02:31 AM
* Ditto, Linz!
04/15/05 05:04 PM
* Thanks Bev!
04/17/05 04:56 AM
* Re: Dealing with a new diagnosis of fibromyalgia...
04/14/05 12:33 PM
* Re: Dealing with a new diagnosis of fibromyalgia...
Snow for Sarala
04/14/05 06:45 AM
* Re: Dealing with a new diagnosis of fibromyalgia...
Angela E.
04/13/05 05:19 PM
* Re: Thanks for your support!
04/14/05 05:51 AM
* Re: Dealing with a new diagnosis of fibromyalgia...
atomic rose
04/13/05 03:45 PM

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