It seems you've done one thing i was going to sugest and that was to confess you hiding places to you husband.
I also find that the little things, although by themself only help a little, but if you have a handfull of them they can help get you throw. ex. one i use is there's others out there with it the same or worse. No judgment just one that helps me. That the future, by the presence of ingnorance, can't be a curtanty. things like that. Also;
Quote: what I did find was that once I'd been following the diet for a couple of weeks I was feeling great (energy and good moods)and the cravings went. I can't wait to get back to that feeling because it was a real high!
is true to me.
Man, my memory isn't good. I though i had more to say. Well I'll just have to remember to keep my eye on the board here for future posts.
-------------------- Life is but a memory on the breath of a dying man.