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Re: PMS help!
      02/18/07 06:57 PM

Reged: 02/18/07
Posts: 12

My question for you is do you experience pain? Painful cramps before and during menstruation? IF YOU DO, you could have endometriosis. You would need to see the doctor and have them do an evaluation or perform exploratory surgery (laproscopy) to determine for sure. IF YOU DO, there are other forms of birth control besides the pill that will help and offer the same thing.

NOW, if you do NOT have pain, good for you. It's good not to have pain. As far as the PMS. Yes, doctors can prescribe anti-depressants, but I don't recommend them. From my experience they cause more problems that helping with the current problems that I am experiencing. Through my research, I have discovered that eating habits/exercise habits and PMS/IBS are all connected. I am not saying for sure that you have a yeast problem, BUT if you take a look at a book called THE YEAST CONNECTION, there is a quiz that will help you determine if you might have a yeast problem. If you do, follow the instructions inside, and I will guarantee that your problems will start to subside, PMS and everything else.

Now, I cannot guarantee this next advice, but I have heard that if you consume chocolate it helps to curve some of those PMS symptoms.

But, again, if you have pain, it's probably something gynocological and I recommend seeing your OB/GYN to investigate possible diagonsis/prescription.

I hope that you are already feeling better. But, if not, I hope that you find this beneficial. I hope you feel better if you already are not feeling better.

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* PMS help!
little bear
09/25/06 05:34 PM
* Re: PMS help!
02/18/07 06:57 PM
* Re: PMS help!
09/28/06 09:57 AM
* Re: PMS help!
09/25/06 06:45 PM
* thanks kat
little bear
09/27/06 10:17 PM

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