He started losing his hair when he was...hmm...23 for real I guess. It hit a plateau for a while and just recently sped up quite a bit!! I don't think he's that self-concious, he NEVER wears hats unless he's out in the sun for long periods. I think it helps that I tell him all the time that I think he looks better now than back in college when he had hair---which it the total truth. He's much more manly now and has a good face that does not require hair! I think he was mentally prepared because his dad went bald (and gray!) early too. Right now, he cuts it really really short (I have to help him) and it looks fine that way. I feel bad that your hubby has to wear hats....when are men going to get it---we don't CARE about the baldness!!! I'd prefer bald over long and shaggy any day. have you seen how some high school boys are wearing their hair now?? ICK!!!
Oh and yeah, my husband's pretty pale..and doesn't really tan at all, and I just don't care.
The funny thing is, as the hair on his head started departing, the hair everywhere else started growing like crazy!! I could follow him around with a dustbuster all day vacuuming up the hair that comes off his gorilla arms and legs!!!