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Weight variance during the month...
      04/02/05 04:15 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Okay, the data is in. I weighed myself every day for one month. The average was 124.5!!! So my newly achieved goal weight of 125 looks pretty solid (I love having a waistline again!).

What's interesting, and the reason I did it is how much my weight varies from day to day. This is much more dramatic if you see it on a graph, but I put the daily change in the second column. As you can see, it's up a pound, down a pound, up 0.9 pounds, down 1.6!! The overall trend was to gain weight the week before my period and then go back down after, so that make sense. Anyway, just wanted to post the results of the experiment!

124.6 change
123.7 -0.9
124.7 1
123.7 -1
123.7 0
123.3 -0.4
124.2 0.9
124.7 0.5
125.1 0.4
123.5 -1.6
123.6 0.1
124.5 0.9
123.9 -0.6
125.7 1.8
124.5 -1.2
124.2 -0.3
124.9 0.7
125.9 1
124.5 -1.4
125.6 1.1
125.3 -0.3
125.6 0.3
125.3 -0.3
125 -0.3
124.6 -0.4
124.7 0.1
124.4 -0.3
122.9 -1.5
123.6 0.7
125.4 1.8
124.51 average for month

Keep it simple!

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* Weight variance during the month...
04/02/05 04:15 PM
* Re: Weight variance during the month...
atomic rose
04/02/05 05:02 PM

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