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Re: My two cents
      03/09/05 08:39 AM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 1569

Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that this was too much as a general rule, just that going from doing nothing to doing this much without adjusting calorie intake might be a bit of a strain. However I think I mis-estimated the intensity of your workouts Ashley, I don't think it's a problem. Plus like I said if you're enjoying it why should we tell you to stop!! however you mentioned that you're not getting sore after your weights any more - getting sore (reasonably) is a good sign that you're muscles are working, rebuilding themselves and thus growing. Basically that it was a good workout. If you're not getting that any more you should probably up your weights in your class.

But yeah, it's not too much as a general rule. Personally I do cardio and weights 3x per week, 15 mins high intensity interval cardio, 30-45 mins of weights and then if I have the time a 60 min yoga class. Sometimes on weekends I add in more cardio and/or an extra yoga class.

I do a full body 3 day split right now with my weights. For a long time I did an upper lower split with lots of supersets, but I'm really enjoying this split right now. I do squats each of the three days to different degrees of intensity - in general Mondays I go light, Wednesdays I go heavy (with bench presses and deadlifts), and Fridays I go medium. If anyone would like to see my complete schedule let me know.

Ok that's it for me

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* thanks Linz
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