Food & drinks total: 1678, without any more snacks Fruits & veggies: banana, veggies in lunch, potato, carrots = 4
Activity: housework -100 45 mins bellydance -100 (I don't know, I'm totally guessing here... this was my first time ever trying bellydance, and I stink at it, but it's fun! I actually ran through part of the DVD twice because I liked it so much!)
I was doing well today until I had to get on the phone and start dealing with MaineCare (Medicaid) and my new doctor's office... everyone is so incompetent, and the receptionist at the dr's just makes my blood boil, she's so rude. By the time I got done doing what I needed to do, I felt like poking someone's eyes out. LOL So what did I do? I went to the kitchen and ate a bagel. I know I could have done worse, but I've spent the rest of the day kicking myself for being a stress eater. It seems like I ALWAYS screw up because of emotion/stress, and I don't know what to do about it that I haven't already tried and failed at.