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Please Help. IBS and PCOS - what to do?
      04/08/03 10:25 AM

Reged: 02/01/03
Posts: 38
Loc: New Hampshire

I'm very frustrated. I have IBS-C, have had it for YEARS, started as IBS-D. I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is a hormonal problem that causes insulin resistance, as well as many other things. I am about 90 lbs overweight. I have Heathers book, love it, and followed it for about a month very carefully. I gained 10 lbs in one month. I spoke with my Dr., who I like, but I'm not sure he really gets IBS & PCOS. Anyway, he said it was the IR that caused me to gain the weight, and I needed to cut out the carbs. I did an Atkins like diet for 2 weeks, and lost the whole 10 lbs., but my tummy was (and is) a mess! I haven't had a BM in days! And I am taking Zelnorm, which at first was wonderful, but now isn't working anymore.

I know I need to find a compromise. Low carb, but also low fat, no dairy, etc. I feel like I will be in prison, living on water! I can digest salad (thank God) so I will continue to eat them, with a small amount of low fat dressing. And I love soup, so I will continue with my broth/veggie/chicken soup.

I guess what I'm asking is if any of you have the same problem, and if you do, what do you eat? Also, if you don't, can you think of what else is low carb/low fat at the same time? You guys are all so creative, I'm sure you can help out! (I HOPE!)

Thanks for listening!

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* Please Help. IBS and PCOS - what to do?
04/08/03 10:25 AM
* Re: Please Help. IBS and PCOS - what to do?
09/10/14 08:36 PM
* Re: Please Help. IBS and PCOS - what to do?
04/08/03 01:07 PM
* Re: Please Help. IBS and PCOS - what to do?
04/08/03 10:45 AM

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