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Re: what to eat when you can't eat anything
      07/15/13 10:36 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

Syl, I know about Heather's diet. I have been a long time member but she not posting. I have the diet down pat. I am not asking about those foods on normal days. I want to know what is allowed during the
Breaking the cycle" phase when your experiencing debilitating symptoms. In this instance, it's diarrhea going on six days.

I know what foods are safe usually. Usually I can handle amino acids, chia seeds, vegan butter with NO dairy, some fat to my vegetables. I was asking about the "breaking the cycle" aloud foods and jam and vegan butter and amino acids and such.

I don't want to have to defend my gluten diet. It has been documented by more than one doctor because of gluten tolerance shown in my blood work.

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* what to eat when you can't eat anything
07/15/13 08:26 AM
* Re: what to eat when you can't eat anything
07/15/13 10:44 AM
* Re: what to eat when you can't eat anything
07/15/13 10:03 AM
* Re: what to eat when you can't eat anything
07/15/13 10:36 AM
* Re: what to eat when you can't eat anything
07/15/13 11:56 AM

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