Yes, yes, yes! There are many who are hypersensitive to the energy fields surrounding them. Some do very easily pick up on the moods/feelings of those around them, and are deeply affected by them. I cannot be around crowds or large gatherings for a long period of time. If I am exposed for too long a time, it takes me days in a quiet room by myself to recuperate.
I am perfectionistic, and I am an artist. I drive my own self crazy! I am 31 and have been this way all my life. Is there a seriousness to your daughter also? Does she have a hard time laughing?
I can only wear v-neck shirts. I cannot have anything up round my neck, no tags, and every garment MUST be in my comfort level. I do not do heels or dresses. I work quite a bit from home, which allows me the peace I need and the freedom to work in my underwear. 
I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that this all plays into IBS. I think everyone has something and that something must go somewhere within the body. For some, it manifests as migraines, for others it may be backaches, for some, like myself and your daughter, its IBS.
May I ask, have you thought about the hypnosis tapes for her?
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