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Re: I don't get it?
      12/07/08 10:47 AM

Reged: 07/04/08
Posts: 42

Is it possible that you have an underlying sinus or ear infection left from the cold? Until you are feeling better, you may want to lessen the insoluble fiber with smaller portions of it and add in a little more soluble fiber like half a plain English muffin with breakfast and plain bread with dinner such as French, sour dough, or Italian, and a little more rice.

As for the PBJ – peanut butter is high in fat, and the jelly has high fructose corn syrup which some people cannot tolerate. Consider switching the lunch sandwich to low fat chicken, turkey, or tuna in water. To add variety to lunch I alternate baked Ruffles with baked Scoops and pretzels.

Instead of two doses of Acacia a day, I have found it helpful to have one dose in the morning and I divide the rest up in bottle water and drink it throughout the day. Do you use a probiotic? There have been some great discussions on this site about HFCS intolerance; you may want to look into.

Good luck!


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* I don't get it?
12/05/08 03:09 PM
* Re: I don't get it?
12/08/08 03:00 PM
* Re: I don't get it?
12/07/08 10:47 AM
* Re: I don't get it?
12/07/08 04:27 PM
* Re: I don't get it?
12/06/08 06:40 AM
* Re: I don't get it?
12/07/08 07:34 PM
* Re:GaGa/I don't get it?
12/08/08 06:31 AM
* Re:GaGa/I don't get it?
12/08/08 07:04 PM

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