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Re: Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat?
      11/13/07 11:27 AM

Reged: 02/15/07
Posts: 306
Loc: Florida

I also have some problems with family understanding. Anything different is scary; so for some it is easier to get mad or forget about trying it. You can't change people. You could mention that if you wanted me to feel well you wouldn't give me such greif over what I eat.

You could bring
1) Your own stuffing
2) Safe bread/rolls
3) Have a baked potatoe/sweet potatoe
4) Your own pumpkin/apple pie (there is a really great recipe called yummy apple crisp on the IBS recipe message board)
5) Some safe pumpkin muffins/banana bread/soy nog bread
6) Soy nog
7) Your own salad/veggie dish

You said that you would get trouble from your family for bringing your own food. Tell them that if they aren't willing to help you cook for your diet then there are two other options. 1- you bring your own food and 2- you don't come. If that doesn't help maybe next year don't come. I'll bet the following year they will be more understanding.

Crohns, lactose intolerant

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* Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat?
11/13/07 06:24 AM
* Re: Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat? Thanks!
11/13/07 01:02 PM
* Re: Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat?
Angela E.
11/13/07 11:40 AM
* Re: Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat?
11/13/07 09:11 AM
* Re: Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat?
jaime g
11/13/07 09:23 AM
* Re: Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat?
11/13/07 11:27 AM
* Re: Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat?
11/13/07 12:14 PM
* Re: Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat?
11/13/07 09:07 AM
* Re: Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat?
11/13/07 08:48 AM
* I'm sure you won't be the only one!-nt
11/13/07 09:06 AM
* Re: Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat?
11/13/07 07:52 AM
* Re: Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat?
11/13/07 08:27 AM
* Re: Holiday's with the Family... What should I eat?
jaime g
11/13/07 07:34 AM

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