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Re: south beach diet
      01/08/07 10:51 AM
Dave K

Reged: 01/08/07
Posts: 21
Loc: Brooklin, ON

I have been following Heather's guidelines for just over a year after finally going to a doctor about the terrible IBS related problems I was having for a few years (progressively getting worse). I got married about 2 1/2 years ago and it seems that my IBS got much worse around that time. I was trying to loose weight for the wedding and I bought the South Beach Books and followed them carefully. I have to agree it was much healthier than Atkin's but it was terrible for IBS patients like me. I did loose 20 pounds on South Beach but put 35 back on when I let carbs back in my diet, not to mention the terrible IBS-D that all the meat and IF was causing.

Long story short... although not feeling 100% all the time on Heather's pep caps, Powder and diet I have lost over 50lbs and have been more stable then ever. I have kept it off for over a year and have only fluctuated =/- 5 or 6 lbs. It's pretty significant cause it equated to 26% of my whole body weight.

I thought carbs were the enemy where in fact they are keeping me healthy (relatively). So be very careful with these low carb diets. High carbs (SF) and low fat worked much better for me.

Dave IBS-D

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* Carbs? Good or Bad?? I'm confused!!
02/26/04 07:37 AM
* Re: Carbs? Good or Bad?? I'm confused!!
02/08/06 12:15 PM
* GOOD!!!
10/27/05 08:40 PM
* Carbs? My opinion ...
heather robin
01/31/05 04:10 PM
* Please read the sticky post at the top of this board about carbs. -nt-
01/31/05 03:15 PM
* I lost 35 pounds or so on this diet - so far. :o) nt
01/31/05 05:50 AM
* I have lost weight on this diet..
01/31/05 02:08 AM
* I gained weight...primarily because my sugar intake went up-nt
01/31/05 06:04 AM
* I lost it because I was careful.. but I gained briefly too..
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* south beach diet
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* Re: south beach diet
05/29/12 11:01 PM
* Re: south beach diet
12/28/11 01:02 PM
* Re: south beach diet
Dave K
01/08/07 10:51 AM
* Re: south beach diet
10/26/05 12:53 PM
* Suggestion
10/26/05 01:07 PM
* Re: Suggestion
10/26/05 04:42 PM
* Re: Suggestion
10/27/05 05:39 AM
* Re: Suggestion
10/27/05 05:52 PM
* Re: south beach diet
01/31/05 06:16 AM
* Re: Carbs? Good or Bad?? I'm confused!!
02/26/04 03:18 PM
* Re: Carbs? Good or Bad?? I'm confused!!
02/26/04 08:36 AM
* Re: Carbs? Good or Bad?? I'm confused!!
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* Eat carbs!
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* Re: Eat carbs!
02/26/04 07:49 AM
* Re: Eat carbs!
little bear
01/30/05 08:23 PM
* Re: Eat carbs!
01/31/05 06:19 AM
* Re: Eat carbs!
little bear
01/31/05 12:15 PM

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