Hey Cyndy! No, the gas stop isn't helping me, either. I was taking 1 with every meal. I have noticed that activated charcoal caps work better for my gas. I'm taking 1 with every meal. It helps more than the gas stop, I think. Actually, I haven't even been taking the gas stop since I started doing the charcoal. It absorbs everything you put into your system, so I'm trying not to waste money (taking a bunch of other supplements) while I'm taking the charcoal. Know what I mean??? I don't take it everyday, though. Only when I know I'm going to have a pretty bad gas day. Which is about every OTHER day right now.....hehehehehe..... So, it's not helping you either??
Beth is taking it too, and I don't think it's helping her, either! What's the deal with this stuff??? I wonder why it's not helping anybody.