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Re: south beach diet
      10/26/05 12:53 PM

Reged: 10/26/05
Posts: 57
Loc: Virginia

Pescado, so what did you do? did you try to do South Beach again, just including healthy carbs instead of eliminating all? I'm glad I saw this because I'm currently dealing with this problem. I did South Beach for a while but my IBS got really bad and now I understand why after reading abt the importance of soluble fiber. But I really want to do SBD because I did lose wight and found that I was very noticably less hungry after cutting out carbs. But, its obviously not worth it if I'm gonna feel as badly as I did while on the diet. I know people say one will probably lose weight on Heather's diet for IBS, but I've already been eating low fat, good carbs (and recently have cut out sweets) for most of my life and still havent been able to lose the weight I want. So I'm just trying to figure out how to eat in a way that will help my IBS but won't be carb loading either (or simply a way that won't interfere with my attempt to lose some weight). Any suggestions would be geatly appreciated- thanks!

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* Carbs? Good or Bad?? I'm confused!!
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* Re: Carbs? Good or Bad?? I'm confused!!
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* GOOD!!!
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* Carbs? My opinion ...
heather robin
01/31/05 04:10 PM
* Please read the sticky post at the top of this board about carbs. -nt-
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* I lost 35 pounds or so on this diet - so far. :o) nt
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* I have lost weight on this diet..
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* south beach diet
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* Re: south beach diet
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* Re: south beach diet
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* Re: south beach diet
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* Re: south beach diet
10/26/05 12:53 PM
* Suggestion
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* Re: Suggestion
10/26/05 04:42 PM
* Re: Suggestion
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* Re: Suggestion
10/27/05 05:52 PM
* Re: south beach diet
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* Re: Carbs? Good or Bad?? I'm confused!!
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* Re: Carbs? Good or Bad?? I'm confused!!
02/26/04 08:36 AM
* Re: Carbs? Good or Bad?? I'm confused!!
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* Eat carbs!
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* Re: Eat carbs!
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* Re: Eat carbs!
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* Re: Eat carbs!
01/31/05 06:19 AM
* Re: Eat carbs!
little bear
01/31/05 12:15 PM

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