You guys are great, thanks for your responses! I really appreciate it! Well, I have chronic C due to structural problems (weakened pelvic floor muscles/rectrocele) but, for some reason (probably IBS-related), I get "wild" bouts of D! My dehydration comes on slowly, however, as I get D for many times in a row, the nausea sets in, and next thing I know I am like on the floor (haha! Not literally, but I cannot get out of bed). I keep the SmartWater onhand and try to have salt each and every day, but it seems once I become dehydrated, it is very difficult to rehydrate. Even after leaving the ER, I still feel so "blah" and that is totally unlike me as I am usually so energetic and motivated in my daily workouts! And the cravings, too, are so bizarre as it is def not a mental thing, as I get SO shaky if I dont reach for the sugar/salt that my body is wanting. It's wild!
Thank you again, though, for your insight and advice!!!!
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