It is a tough one, esp. since the IBS diet makes it so that you have to pay close attention to what you eat. This does not mean that becoming normal again isnt possible, just more difficult for us i think. For some, being put on restricted diets LEADS to eating disorders, so we gotta be very careful. I myself have had stomach/GI problems since i was a kid. I was never clinically diagnosed with anorexia, but i definately had it as a teen, for about 3 years, or until 6 years ago--and I still find certain things a struggle, like noticing weight gain and panicking. It is possible to gain normalcy, but i think it takes the support of others and a lot of self-determination. Keeping a food and exercise journal helps me to keep things in check. I am also lactose and wheat intolerant, so i cant just not think about what i'm eating im afraid  Please feel free (any of you) to write me about it and I hope i can do the same.
-------------------- --maikko
IBS-A, mostly C-- many foods intolerant
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