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Re: Now *I* need some help!
      06/01/05 09:10 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Aren't hormones wonderful?

I'd suggest upping the acacia. Even if more acacia might mean more frequency, with luck the BMs will be less urgent and the acacia will smooth out the swings. Once you're more stable, you could try backing off on the acacia again if you want. I know you know this but increase the dosage slowly. (BTW, I'm IBS-D and I take 2 Tbsp + 1 teaspoon of acacia.)

You could also try taking less immodium - I've seen some people post they take 1/2 tablet at a time. With any luck, that will stop the D without triggering the C.

I gather that it's tricky balancing the IBS diet with the fibro diet - and I know firsthand that cheating is fun! - but while you're unstable being stricter might help get your gut settled down. I don't know if it's an option with the fibro diet, but you could consider the Breaking The Cycle diet or the What-to-eat-when-you-can't-eat-anything diet for a few days, too.

I hope some of this helps. You've been a fabulous resource, Linz, and I'd like to repay the favor a little.

PS - This may be a stupid question, but can you go back to your old contraception?

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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* Now *I* need some help!
06/01/05 04:26 AM
* Re: Now *I* need some help!
Yoda (formerly Hans)
06/01/05 04:24 PM
* Re: Now *I* need some help!
06/01/05 11:14 AM
* Re: Now *I* need some help!
06/01/05 10:55 AM
* Re: Now *I* need some help!
06/01/05 09:10 AM
* Thanks everyone
06/02/05 12:23 AM
* Good luck. Let us know how you're doing. -nt-
06/02/05 05:21 AM
* if it makes you feel better
Little Minnie
06/01/05 04:34 AM

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