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Re: Love BioBeads for travel
      02/11/05 02:32 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California


Kandee, what probiotic do you use at home? I use Metagenics Ultra Flora Plus DF, but to tell the truth I've used just about all of them with success. VS#3 (I think that's the name) is supposed to have the highest count of good bacteria and a lot of people swear by it, but it IS expensive. It's one I haven't tried yet. I know you are C and I just recently introduced probiotics and digestive enzymes to my diet. GOOD for you!! Right now I'm only taking one Jarrodophilus per day. Should I take more? What does the bottle say? I have noticed some improvement, but still having some issues. Suggestions? I'm convinced you can't hardly over dose on the stuff. When I first got so sick my doc put me on this Ultra Flora stuff...2 with every meal, and it never bothered me. Each cap has 7.5 billion Lactobacillus acidophilus and 7.5 billion Bifidobacterium, so that was a lot of them taken every day. I only take 1-2 of these a day now.

Do a board search, especially in the Research Library section for probiotics. There is lots of good information there on the subject. Recent studies suggest that even if the enzymes are DEAD they can still work in the gut...amazing, huh?


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* Interesting Probiotic I found
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* Start reading......
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* Re: Start reading......
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* Marlene
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* Re: Marlene
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* Re: Marlene
02/15/05 05:59 PM
* Kandee...Thank you
02/11/05 04:04 PM
* Re: Kandee...Thank you
02/11/05 05:21 PM
* Re: Interesting Probiotic I found
02/11/05 11:34 AM
* Re: Interesting Probiotic I found
02/11/05 11:26 AM
* I'm in KS too -- and the Wal-Mart brand I saw had lactose in it ---
02/11/05 12:22 PM
* Re: Interesting Probiotic I found
02/11/05 07:54 AM
* Love BioBeads for travel
02/11/05 11:40 AM
* Non-Dairy Kefir Kandee!?
Snow for Sarala
02/11/05 01:08 PM
* Re: Non-Dairy Kefir Kandee!?
02/11/05 02:19 PM
* Re: Non-Dairy Kefir Kandee!?
02/13/05 08:17 PM
* Thanks Kandee!!!! *hugs* n-t
Snow for Sarala
02/11/05 02:38 PM
* Re: Love BioBeads for travel
02/11/05 12:48 PM
* Re: Love BioBeads for travel
02/11/05 02:32 PM
* Re: Love BioBeads for travel
02/11/05 12:30 PM
* Thanks for the feedback!
02/11/05 08:30 AM

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