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Interesting Probiotic I found
      02/10/05 01:40 PM

Reged: 11/20/03
Posts: 677

I had been looking for something and had a hard time because I live in a small town and all the acidophilus had lactose in it also. So I looked online at this place I used to buy my contacts at because they sent me an e-mail about a sale they were having. Anyway -- I found this one that not only doesn't have any lactose -- it has no yeast, wheat, milk, egg, glutens, artificial colors or flavors, added sugar or preservatives. Plus it is specially coated so that it will not dissolve until it reaches your intestines -- so the acids in your stomach don't kill all the little guys you're trying to get to your intestines. It also has that mix that is supposed to be so good. It's called Natrol BioBeads Acidophilus Complex. I bought it at The only downside that I could see is that it does use gelatin and vegetable oil in the bead -- but it would have to be tiny amounts -- and it hasn't upset my tummy yet..... but it's only been a couple days. I just thought I'd share - I know how hard it can be to find things. I haven't used it long enough to see if this will make a major change or not -- but it hasn't upset anything and it sounds like it might be a pretty good deal.

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Entire thread
* Interesting Probiotic I found
02/10/05 01:40 PM
* How does Probiotics work exactly...
02/11/05 02:33 PM
* Start reading......
02/11/05 03:32 PM
* Re: Start reading......
02/13/05 01:57 PM
* Marlene
02/13/05 03:08 PM
* Re: Marlene
02/26/05 01:02 PM
* Re: Marlene
02/15/05 05:59 PM
* Kandee...Thank you
02/11/05 04:04 PM
* Re: Kandee...Thank you
02/11/05 05:21 PM
* Re: Interesting Probiotic I found
02/11/05 11:34 AM
* Re: Interesting Probiotic I found
02/11/05 11:26 AM
* I'm in KS too -- and the Wal-Mart brand I saw had lactose in it ---
02/11/05 12:22 PM
* Re: Interesting Probiotic I found
02/11/05 07:54 AM
* Love BioBeads for travel
02/11/05 11:40 AM
* Non-Dairy Kefir Kandee!?
Snow for Sarala
02/11/05 01:08 PM
* Re: Non-Dairy Kefir Kandee!?
02/11/05 02:19 PM
* Re: Non-Dairy Kefir Kandee!?
02/13/05 08:17 PM
* Thanks Kandee!!!! *hugs* n-t
Snow for Sarala
02/11/05 02:38 PM
* Re: Love BioBeads for travel
02/11/05 12:48 PM
* Re: Love BioBeads for travel
02/11/05 02:32 PM
* Re: Love BioBeads for travel
02/11/05 12:30 PM
* Thanks for the feedback!
02/11/05 08:30 AM

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