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Re: Enzyme Withdrawal
      06/01/03 01:36 PM

Reged: 02/23/03
Posts: 75
Loc: Vancouver Island, BC

Hi Georgette
yes i tried the revitalx, i had a shake this morning actually, and i am feeling good. I do still watch my diet and exercise regularly though, the revitalx is not the only health thing i do. at first when i tried it a few weeks ago, i had it each morning with water and my morning breakfast, it felt gurgly in my gut and kinda odd. i had an attack a few days later, which made me think it was the revitalx cuz it is half soluble fibre (guar gum) and half insoluble (cellulose). (4.5g approx per serving). Anyhow, it also could have been something i ate that gave me an attack, i'm not sure. So i waited awhile, and then did the one day revitalx cleanse, just take it twice a day, eat fruit and steamed veggies, plain brown rice, and chicken breast or legumes. That felt great for me, so i have kept taking some revitalx every day for the past week, usually in the morning with my breakfast, never on an empty stomach, and sometimes at nite instead. It seems to be of no ill effect, and since i am already stable at this time, i seem to be able to handle it. it gives me energy, which is so great cuz i am often lacking it. All in all, it's like a big dose of vitamins and minerals and other gut healing properties, so i believe it is good for me. I know it's not a panacaea or a cure, but i am enjoying taking it instead of taking a whole bunch of separate pills like i usually do of probiotics, b complex, etc etc, cuz it actually contains all those constituents, though perhaps in lower amounts.

i hope this helps, let me know if you have any more questions, or you can phone natural factors, they were very helpful by mailing me out a detailed information sheet about the product.

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* Re: Enzyme Withdrawal
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