Possible Job Opportunity!
05/13/04 09:30 AM
I am soooo excited! This is sort of a long story so if you make it to the end and actually understand it.. there's free cookies for you!
I currently work at a packaging company and, honestly, am not quite sure what my title is. I do the accounts receivable, human resources, and payroll for the company. While I like what I do in my job, it seems as if it's more AR than human resources and payroll - where I'd like it to be the other way around. But I told myself I wouldn't switch jobs unless it was to a legal position so I can get my foot in the door somehow.
So an opportunity has arisen to possibly interview for a legal secretary position! Our new receptionist Shannon (a co-worker's sister) used to have the job and was telling me about how she loved it and that her boss was great. The only reason she left was that she didn't really like the legal stuff and wanted to move into something that she would enjoy if she were to move around in the company.
Lucky for me, I like the legal mumbo-jumbo! My major is Administration of Justice after all!
Their other sister Crystal had taken over Shannon's position two weeks ago (she had been a temp here for the last two months before that filling in for our accounts payable lady), but fractured her knee and can't drive anymore until it heals. Before that, though, she had admitted to me that she really didn't like the legal stuff either and wished she could come back to my company. It was too bad that there wasn't away to just "switch jobs".
So now that she can't drive, her boss told her he needs someone and will have to replace her. She's going to give him my resume today and recommend me (mention my major and schooling too!), and hopefully I'll get a call back! Then if I turned in my 2 week notice, I could recommend Crystal for my position and she could get a ride with one of her sisters. And I know my boss likes Crystal because she's been trying to find a position here for her.
I'm just hoping that I can at least get an interview! It sounds like I'm very qualified for the job and would be able to learn more about law for school. I've been trying not to get too excited in case it doesn't happen, but it's hard not to be!
Thanks for reading if you got this far. Here's your cookies!
- Jennifer
-------------------- - Jennifer
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