1.What time do you get up?9-9:30 2.If you could eat lunch with one person who would it be? Elvis ha only dreaming. 3.Gold or silver?gold 4.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? lets see back in 1880.ha. 5.Favorite TV show?My Soaps. 6.What do you have for breakfast?Oats an drink tea. 7.Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?no one. 8.Who inspires you?my hubby an youngest daughter. 9.What is your middle name?Geraldine. 10.Beach,city or country?country. 11.Favorite ice cream?choc.when I can have it. 12.Butter,plain or salted popcorn?butter an salted. 13.Favorite color?red,white,blue. 14.What kind of car do you drive?Saturn Vue{suv ] 15.Favorite sandwich?P&J. 16.Favorite flower?rose. 17.If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation? stay home.to many bad things now days. 18.WHATE HAPPEN TO 18 ?????????? 19.Favorite brand of clothing?anything that fits. 20.Where would you retire to.the country. but we end up in Las Vegas. 21.Favorite day of the week?when you retire it don,t make any different. 22.Red or white wine.none. 23.What did you do for your last birthday?stayed at home. 24.Where were you born?Akron,Ohio.69 years ago. 25.Favorite sport to watch?golf. 26.Favorite sport to play?none. 27.Who do you least expect to send it back to you.everyone. 28.Person you expect to send it back first?Jenx 29.What fabric detergent do you use?tide. 30.Coke or Pepsi? Root Beer when my sugar is low. 31.Are you a morning person or a night owl? night owl. 32.Whate is your shoe size?7 1/2. 33.Do you have any pets? dog.love them all. 34.Do you like to cook? no.