Alicia's my hero!
11/08/05 04:13 PM
Alicia, you are unbelievable!
I truly know 1st hand how difficult it is to do what you're doing for yourself and your children...but you are DOING IT!
All those times you offered your # and i never called, btw, were due to anxiety (I have thought about it numerous times but just couldn't pick up the phone. This is true with many of the folks on these boards! This also explains all the times I've disappeared...and you can relate to all of it. Thank you for being so open!)
It was also passed down to me btw. And I am terrified of passing it down to my kids. But alicia, you give me so much HOPE! We truly CAN feel the dear and do it ANYWAY!
I think we should keep a log going. What our fears are for the day...and support eacvh other.
Today's biggest fears:
1)Going to the store
2)Walking dog
I did:
1 & 2! The store was the toughest cause I felt so sick today. Woke up to Hemms. Slept until 12:30pm (The tegretol makes me feel nauseous too when we p the dose). But I went anyway and feel better!! Then I came home having no idea how to get myself outside to walk the dog. Then all these posts were here and I was so inspired by you Alicia...I did it! I WALKED MY DOG!!! YAY!!!!!!
Now I have to do the dishes. This is an organizational challenge for me a bit. So I will need to break it down. I also need to make dinner for hubby and I (seperate meals of course )
Course of action: BREATHE! Listen to a Torah tape (Bible stuff), or some classical music...something soothing. If I get anxious...BREATHE, take a break and sit down, have some water, sing, or post for help on the boards!
I feel so much more impowered!
Thank you thank you thank you *HUGS*
-------------------- Formerly known as Ruchie
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