Wow Kerrie - Sounds like you are going thru alot right now. I wouldn't put much stock in what the psychic said. I've been to one once and viewed it as an entertainment experience. It's strange how you want to believe something so badly that when anyone makes a comment in the negative you take it personally. Pray about this, keep that in the forefront of your mind. Things will be when they are meant to be and not a minute before. Keep thanking God for all the blessings you have and make that your focus and remember, miracles do happen!
You seem like a very strong person and I'm sure you will make it thru this just fine, but it's ok to breakdown and let someone else lift you up. That's what friends are there for. I remember after a terrible time in my life having to go on antidepressants and was so concerned that my husband, family and friends would think I was weak. What was I thinking??? I needed to take care of myself and if that meant taking meds and leaning on the people who love me for a while - so be it. Hang in there and lean on the people who love you and want to support you. Be honest with them - tell them how you are feeling. I'm sure they will be more than honored that you trust them to support you. You are in my prayers.....take care, Georgia