I'm a runner (prefer long distances but normally can't fit in the training time, so more often stick to 10K or so), female, 55, and love it so much! (took it up 5 years ago). C is my problem, so the running helps. But for both C and D problems, the idea as I understand it is to get to a middle ground. Two things that help stabilize both conditions are listening to the Hypnotherapy for IBS CDs, and using Heather's Acacia 100% soluble fibre on a daily basis. I haven't yet managed to listen to all of the hypnotherapy sessions, as my busy lifestyle keeps interfering, but even just listening to them for 20 days or so, from time to time, has had an obvious beneficial effect, and I highly recommend them for the IBS but also for having a positive effect on well-being in general (and some day I WILL get through all of them!). Are you doing either of these two approaches?
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