Re: Please Help! Endometriosis vs. IBS
05/10/04 06:53 PM
Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Yes, I do have pain from endo. Unfortunately, when I had my surgery the doctor didn't tell me that they didn't have the equipment at the hospital to burn anything off, so they just diagnosed me and stitched me back up
There's a lot of treatments out there depending on what your chief complaints are. Something that has helped me is going on continuous cycle birth control pills...which means I take them non-stop rather than taking a week off, usually for at least six months at a time. That way, you don't get a period for six months and it's speculated that it helps slow the growth on the endo.
When I have pain, I've been told the best thing is some sort of NSAID. I take Naproxen 375mg; however, it's pretty hard on the tummy. Works ok for the pain, without it I wouldn't even be able to get out of bed. There's also some new drugs out there that are suppoesd to be good, one's called Bextra.
I would definately talk to your OB/GYN about it. There are a lot of treatments for endo, just no cure. But you should definately be doing something, not just to help with the pain but also to try and help slow the potential spread.
Good luck! Kelly
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