new girl with questions: calcium trouble, nighttime gas and cramping, fiber trouble
03/07/05 12:08 PM
Reged: 03/07/05
Posts: 12
Loc: Richmond, VA
Hi everyone,
I've just read Eating for IBS, and I have a few questions. I was diagnosed with IBS in 1998, and have been adjusting my diet and trying natural remedies and prescriptions both before and since. My symptoms now occur at night and in the early morning, when I wake up with gas and cramps, and can't get back to sleep. I'm currently taking Miralax and a tiny dose of Elavil, which used to work better than it does now.
I've cut out dairy for years now, eat bread with no preservatives, use fresh veggies and fruit sparingly, avoid red meat, limit alcohol to less than one lite beer per week, and avoid red meat.
I have recently tried taking Citrucel before bed and when I am awakened in the AM, but this produces only very temporary relief. And if I take too much, then I become constipated. Can anyone recommend another brand that is particularly good for gas and cramping, that won't constipate?
Also, I've tried several multivitamins, including ones that say they are dairy free, and I still get gassy after a day or two on them. I think that it's the calcium--I get gassy after calcium-fortified soymilks and juices. Any recommendations here? I am often tired, even after eight or nine hours of sleep, and I think a multi, and/or calcium, might help.
Last thing--does anyone have the nighttime/early AM gas/cramping extravaganza? Does anyone know what might help on the spot? I've tried charcoal, aloe vera caplets, Citrucel, and a million prescription anti-spasmodics. The latter make me too sleepy and spacey during the day to use long-term.
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