Pregnant Advice
#321647 - 01/04/08 10:01 AM
Hello all:
I'm hoping all you mommies can offer some advice (reassurance). I'm 5 weeks pregnant and am having horrible IBS attacks. The cramps are only relieved after passing gas or having D. Last year I had a miscarriage, so I am terrified with every cramp.
I've read some previous pregnancy posts that say this is normal. So I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance and maybe some advice on getting them to go away without drugs? Right now I'm doing the heating pad and peppermint tea thing.
Even though I don't post regularly, I do lurk a lot! Hopefully I can find some time to start posting more.
Thanks everyone!
-------------------- - Jennifer
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I don't have any advise.... but wanted to send my support your way!! {{hugs}}
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I thought you weren't supposed to use a heating pad while pregnant??!!
There is one safe drug that I know of, I'm currently TTC. Dicyclomine (Bentyl) is what I take for really bad gas cramps and pain, and it's totally safe to take during pregnancy.
-------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)
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I thought you weren't supposed to use a heating pad while pregnant??!!
Here is a great link...... web page and they do list heating pads as something to avoid.
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I thought you weren't supposed to use a heating pad while pregnant??!!
Here is a great link...... web page and they do list heating pads as something to avoid.
Actually my doctor said I could use it as long as I had a comforter or something padded in between the heating pad and my tummy.
My doctor also told me about Bentyl, but unfortunately I've tried that drug in the past and it hasn't worked for me.
Thanks for the concern/advice, though!
-------------------- - Jennifer
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First, congrats on your pregnancy!!! Very exciting. Are you taking any fiber? I'm more of a c, but I find that fiber supplements help calm things. I'm 24 week pg right now, and I've been taking Citrucel the whole time.
-------------------- ~Mary
Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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Hi, Jennifer:
CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy!
The first trimester is so nerve-wracking, and IBS cramping only makes it worse! My only real advice for you is to remind yourself that it feels like your IBS, not like menstrual cramping. If D or gas makes it better, it's your gut. (I know you know that, but I also know the mental game the first tri brings. I'm sure your history makes it worse.)
I hope that helps the reassurance part. I don't really have advice except maybe a warm (not hot) bath.
Congrats again!
-------------------- Christine
Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.
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Thanks Mary and Christine!
It figures that when I jump on the IBS diet again, I turn C. lol The citrucel bugs my stomach acid so I think I'm going to try Heather's acacia again. I'm hoping that will help make me regular.
Thanks again for the advice. Now that I've made it past the point where I miscarried last time, I'm starting to relax a little more.
-------------------- - Jennifer
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Hang in there, honey! I know you're scared, but 5 - 7 weeks were the absolute worst for me. I was so nauseous, running to the bathroom... the good news is you will start to feel better soon. You probably won't feel really good till about 12 weeks, but the worse ones are the earlier ones. Your body is changing dramatically and those hormones are going nuts. It's just your body's way of reacting to all the changes. Just try to relax as much as possible. Try lots of ginger tea. It's better for nausea than peppermint. Also, lots of soda crackers. Try not to let your stomach get empty. I know - hard to do when you're not feeling well, but I found it worse when I let my stomach get empty - I felt sicker and didn't want to eat which made me feel worse. Try nibbling on soda crackers all day long. Really small amounts frequently. It'll be OK, sweetie. What's happening has happened to so many of us. Just breathe through it and take extra good care of yourself. XOXO, A.
-------------------- Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.
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Thanks Hans! Ugh, I can't wait until all the IBS stuff goes away. And I definitely noticing I get really nauseous when I'm hungry or tired. I've been eating snacks ever 2 hours.
The more pregnant I feel, the more the worry goes away. I'm starting to relax more and get excited.
Thanks again for the advice.
-------------------- - Jennifer
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By the second trimester, you're going to feel more amazing than you ever have. I was virtually IBS free, and the more pregnant I was, the more "forbidden" foods I could tolerate (small amounts of course)! tee hee! So much to look forward to. Don't forget the ginger tea or candied ginger! xoxo, A. And, CONGRATS!!!!
-------------------- Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.
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Congratulations you pregnant gals.
I suffered IBS during my pregnancy as well as some food poisoning. Baby is beautiful and healthy. - Now 18 months old.
I had the worst, worst morning sickness which I thought was due to my liver having to work so hard from the IBS issues. I took Blackmores Morning sickness tablets (Vitamin B6 and ginger)
Great news was, IBS disappeared for a few days after gestational diabetes test (strong glucose drink) and it finally led me to realise I was fructose intolerant. Now I have very few symptoms unless I break my diet.
Good luck with your pregnancy
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How you doing NOW??
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You are crazy at the crap you remember, Ms Shell!
Before I got pregnant, my IBS was in remission. Although I'm not having as many attacks as I was when I was 5 weeks, I'm still having more attacks than I had when I wasn't pregnant. It sucks - especially since I'm well into my 2nd trimester at 21 weeks, but I'm getting use to them again. 
Thanks for remembering.
-------------------- - Jennifer
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Jennifer, I never have problems anymore either, EXCEPT when I'm pregnant. I'm almost 30 weeks, and I still have issues. But from what I recall, it goes away after pregnancy ends. So just hang in there!

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I have been on here in forever but I want to say congratulations first and for most!!!!!! Do you know what you are having??
My ibs went into remission with my pregnancy with little Zoe and it was great but as soon as af came back, it was back. Although I went from d to more c. With little Jaxon (he's going to be 17 months next week ) my ibs was terrible during most of my pregnancy. I have never had such terrible c with him. But guess what? I have had very few problems since he has been born!!! Af returned in October and the only time I do it seems to have an issue it seems to be anxiety related. The only down side is that I haven't been able to get rid of those extra pounds with all the food that I haven't been able to eat!
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I hope so! I definitely don't miss my IBS at all. :P
-------------------- - Jennifer
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Thanks Heidi! Nope, it's going to be a surprise. It's so weird how so many people find out nowadays. I wasn't expecting to be in the minority of waiting to find out.
Aww your kids are getting so big! That sucks about your IBS. I'm hoping mine goes back into remission as soon as this kid pops out. Even though I've had more attacks while pregnant, the pain factor hasn't been nearly as bad as it was when I was first diagnosed.
Didn't you guys move into a bigger house? How are you liking it?
-------------------- - Jennifer
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We didn't find out with our first either. We didn't want to and it was so exciting not to know. Nothing like hearing "It's a Girl!" For some reason we always had a reason to find out with the other 3. I'm glad we knew Jaxon was a boy. At that point, we didn't have any gender neutral clothes. Just lots and lots of pink!
Our house has been on the market for two years now but we are still here. We would love a bigger house but so far we are still here.
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That's the reason I don't want to find out. I want to hear that "It's a girl/boy!" at the end. My boyfriend finally agreed to wait and is excited about waiting now.
Ugh, that really sucks. Hopefully your house will sell soon.
-------------------- - Jennifer
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