Angela, ya hanging in there? -nt-
#291188 - 11/25/06 06:23 AM
-------------------- ~~~Lisa~~~
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Yep made it through turkey day without labor. I have had some contractions and I go to the doctor's on MOnday to be checked internally and then that will decide if I need to go to the hospital Tuesday night for the cerival gel to help my cervix or if I am good enough to go in on my own Wednesday. Either way I am ready. I am tired of being pregnant and ready to see my little girl. I would ask everyone to keep us in your thought or prayers to make sure of a healthy and easy delivery. Mostly healthy. I think not knowing the first time is easier then knowing the second time around. Anyways thanks for asking and I'll try to post one more time before I go in. I would say it would be next weekend before I can post pics!!
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#291293 - 11/26/06 10:23 AM
Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York
I was thinking about you on Wed. I went in and still haven't done anything. I was going to tell you that you will have your baby before me. Now I'm hoping to wait until next weekend for a vaiety of reasons. I had cervidel with my 1st and 3rd and I went right into labor. I'm sure if you have to have it, it will go great. What do you mean you will go on your own on Wed? Do you mean if they don't do the cervidel that you will be in labor on Wed? Either way, good luck. And if if makes you feel better, I'm so nervous about labor this time. I have had 3 different births so I have no clue what to expect.
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Yes, good luck Angela!! I hope that things go the way you want them too. Giving birth still seems so far away from now for me. And considering Ollie's made no moves to "drop" or anything I'm guessing it still seems far away for him as well. Ah well, he'll get here when he gets here.
I hope labor goes easily and well for you too Torbetta...
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Keeping both of you in my thoughts. You're sooo close. It won't be long. I'm excited for you both.
Tomorrow marks the first day of my second trimester. So, I reaaaaallly have a long way to go. At least some of the nausea is now subsiding.
Hugs all around!!
-------------------- Flipada - IBS-C "It's a gas, gas, gas"
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Well either way it will be all over real soon! I'll be thinking of ya and saying a prayer or two for you and your family. You are right though, the not knowing what you are in for in the first pregnancy is much easier than knowing what you are gonna go through! I had a dream the other night that I was pregnant and all I kept thinking about in my dream was that I was a wreck having to go through another labor again. I can surely say though it's nice knowing I'm out of that stage in my life of having another child. However, bigger children, bigger problems! Good luck hon! Please post pics when you can!!!
-------------------- ~~~Lisa~~~
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I can't believe in jjust a few short days, your baby girl will be here!! How exciting!!! I,m sure everything will go just fine but will be thinking about you!!
-------------------- Taking it one day at a time.....
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